#feel good fic


Sequel to Rally

Ever since Sakura’s move back to California, she and Shisui had quickly become close friends both on and off the court. However, but everything is about to change when Shisui is given the opportunity to expand his volleyball career. He only hopes it won’t threaten his friendship with Sakura. Or is it his feelings that threaten it?

Shisui x Sakura
Beach Volleyball!AU
Rated M for mature audiences

Read now:
Archive of Our Own


For a few minutes, they sat in silence until Shisui glanced at her again. “How’s your shoulder? You looked like you landed on it pretty hard this morning.”

“It’s fine,” Sakura said, shooting him a smile. “Definitely good enough to play with you in that co-ed tournament in a few weeks, if that’s what you’re worried about.”

It wasn’t what he was worried about. He tried to match her smile but the mention of the tournament killed his easy mood. That same guilt from before crept into his chest and turned the wine in his mouth sour.

“I’m kidding,” Sakura said when he didn’t reply. She glanced over at him with a smile but it quickly faded when she saw his face. “Shi? Is everything okay?”

Now was as good a time as any to tell her, he figured.

Taking a deep breath, Shisui set his wine down before he turned to face her. “I have something I have to tell you.”

Worried pinched her brows together and she lowered her Xbox controller down onto her lap to give him her full attention. “Okay.”

“A few days ago, I got a call from Hatake Kakashi,” he said slowly. “He asked me to play with him in the upcoming semi-pro tournament.”

Sakura stared at him for one moment that stretched on into an eternity and then another before she broke out into a wide grin. “Oh my god, that’s so exciting! When do you guys begin practicing?”

Her excitement took him by surprise. He opened his mouth but words escaped him. He had fully expected her to be angry or upset. They had been partners in nearly every co-ed tournament since she had moved to town. He felt like he was abandoning her to move up in the volleyball world.

“I don’t know. I haven’t…I haven’t called him back,” Shisui said quietly.


White sand beaches and green palm trees. All Sakura wanted was a quick change of scenery from the grey of New York City before she decided to move forward with her life-changing decision. What she hadn’t expected was to meet him on the volleyball court, and she certainly hadn’t expected to fall into bed with him either. 

Shisui x Sakura
Beach Volleyball!AU
Rated M for mature audiences

“Just one night full of sin”

Read now:
Archive of our Own


“Watch the angle,” Ino called.

But Sakura was already there. She passed the ball to her teammate before she made her approach to spike.

“Blocker,” Ino warned.

Sure enough, Shisui jumped to block Sakura just as she swung. He lined up with her on the other side of the net, but she angled her spike just enough to make the ball hit the outside of his hand, breaking his block and sending the ball flying outside the court on his side.

Behind her, Ino cheered as Sakura smirked at Shisui through the net. “Was that too much for you?”

She wished she could see the look in his eyes behind his sunglasses, but his smirk was utterly devastating as he grinned at her through the net. “Not even close.”

His tone sent a chill up her spine and they stood there a moment longer before Sakura finally turned around and headed to the back of the court to serve. She aimed for Naruto, knowing Shisui had a better swing. What she wasn’t expecting was for Shisui to intentionally send it over on the second touch. Sakura dove for the ball, landing on her right side in the sand two inches too short.

“Nice try,” Ino said, helping Sakura to her feet.

But she didn’t look at her best friend. Instead, her gaze shifted to Shisui as she wiped the sand off her thigh. She knew that was retaliation for breaking his block the point before. “Oh, we’re playing dirty, are we?”

He merely grinned behind his sunglasses. “Always.”
