#feeling desired


Last week, I texted Legolas and invited him to go to a vegan event that was happening near us. (He’s also vegan.) I also texted The Teacher, who I hadn’t seen in far too long, and invited her. I made plans to pick up Legolas, and he offered to make us breakfast, which I accepted. He makes excellent oatmeal. When I arrived, he finished making the food and we went upstairs to eat and catch up with each other. Right before it was time to go, he gave me a look and climbed on top of me, grabbing my tits and playing with me. I made little noises and felt my hips move a little. After a minute or two, he sighed and asked, “We should probably leave, shouldn’t we?” I nodded and we reluctantly got up and left.

We met up with The Teacher and her girlfriend at the vegan thing and walked around with them for a while. They had been there for a while already and it was hella hot out, so they went to a nearby restaurant while Legolas and I continued exploring. We’d gotten some delicious vegan nachos when we first got there, but we got some awesome cookie sandwiches and tried various samples. I decided I wanted a shirt, and tried to buy the first one I saw, but Legolas strongly suggested I not do that. (He totally told me not to and I loved it.) We explored a little more and then I got the one I wanted. By that time, we were both kind of tired, so we headed to join The Teacher and her girlfriend at the restaurant. I had a fantastic time there, catching up more with The Teacher, talking with her and her girlfriend and her group of friends, complaining about things, drinking beer, and eating two kinds of fried potatoes.

Legolas and I left in the early afternoon and headed back to his place. We took the train part of the way, and it was pretty crowded. We couldn’t get seats, so we grabbed on to the bars. Legolas put his arm around me, helping me not to fall. I liked that move. It was sweet and I appreciated it. About halfway through the train ride, Legolas leaned in to me and said, “You know I really want to finger you right now, don’t you?” I got embarrassed and looked down, but of course I was also turned on. Having someone tell me what they want to do to me, or even just that they want me, is a big turn on. Knowing that I’m desirable and wanted, and that someone else has been thinking of me, and thinking of me like that, is an amazing feeling, even beyond just hearing those kinds of things said out loud, which is wicked hot in and of itself. I said that I hadn’t known, but that I would like that. He continued, talking about wanting to just have me on my knees sucking his cock, and that people wouldn’t mind, since he’d brought enough to share. The idea of being used like that in public and passed around made me a little weak at the knees.

Finally, as we got closer to our stop, we were finally able to sit. I slid into the seat next to the window, and he sat next to me. He looked at me and put his hand between my legs, rubbing my cunt through my panties. My eyes opened wide and I looked around, but of course no one could see what was happening, or if they could, they didn’t notice. Legolas told me he could tell how wet I was, and I got embarrassed again. At the same time, I was grinning like crazy over the fun we were having. He slide his hand out from between my leg and put it on my inner thigh. Then he pinched it hard and with his nails. It was a real challenge to keep my face calm and not make loud noises. I love being hurt in public, and that’s a big part of why. Having your body sending you flight or fight signals, having to quiet your noises and keep your face and body language normal, all while the sadist next to you is grinning with delight at your suffering.

When we got back to my car, as soon as we’d both sat down, he put his hands between my thighs again, playing with my cunt. I was soaking wet by this point, and he could feel it. As he played with my cunt, he told me, “I want to fuck you bad.” I was feeling impish, so I said, “You mean badly?” He gave me a look and grabbed my thigh and squeezed it hard. I squeaked and apologized. He messed with me a little while longer, and then I drove us back to his place, full of anticipation.
