#feelings word vomit


I didn’t want to derail the original post and this isn’t really aimed at the person who made the comment that inspired this anyway and is more of a general thing that devolved into spilling all my feelings everywhere, but like…

I too, watch people talk about the Loki show and wonder if we watched the same show. I watch people praise it and love it and write meta about it and all the while I am screaming and crying inside which show did you watch? Did you get the secret good show? How is your interpretation of events a literal 180 degrees from mine? It’s especially baffling to me when some of those people are the same ones that hated ragnarok! How did they not find the show even worse?

Some people whose meta I generally respect and takes I generally agree with seem to adore the show and I’m just sitting over here feeling gutted because I literally cannot wrap my mind around it. Because I could see liking the show because it’s fun and being a downer isn’t (boy oh boy how I wish I’d liked the show), but still seeing all its flaws and OOCness. I literally cannot compute people watching it and agreeing with the show’s perspective. I cannot compute the differences in interpretation.

Like, I can see the shape of the story the narrative is trying to shove down my throat, but I cannot accept those premises enough to engage with them. They make me fly into a frothing rage*. And no matter how softly or how kindly I try to state my opinions, the state of the fandom is such that it’s never soft or kind enough. No, instead I should just sit down and shut up and lick the disney boot and it’s so fucking lonely and alienating. Almost every fandom space I go to is just constant shitting on people who didn’t like the show.

And if I can’t enjoy the fandom anymore, I wish I could just not care enough to leave. It feels like that’s what the wider fandom wants me to do anyway, but I can’t. Because I still love this character and I want him back. But I haven’t actually seen him since 2013 and it looks like I’m never going to again. And it hurts and I’m so bitter. They took him away in IW and then gave me hope I’d see him again and then even that hope was shattered.

I want to feel happy for people who find joy in the show, but mostly I just feel abandoned and left behind. Like intellectually, yes, at least someone is enjoying it. Emotionally? Pathetic neediness and abandonment is me. 

(which isn’t to say that people need to conform to my expectations and needs, I’m just word vomiting in the hopes that getting it all out will make me feel better. but it also really does feel like I trashed half my fandom circle of friends/acquaintances cause apparently speaking out against this show (and never actually attacking people with different opinions, or at least certainly never intending to) makes you toxic and domineeringor something)

(to the people who hate the show just as much as i do, ilu, you’re keeping me sane and like I’m not going crazy because the interpretations are so different)

*Reading meta where people liked the show is an exercise in self flagellation because after I finish internally crying/screaming about it not being true, it’s interesting! It has depth. I just completely and fundamentally disagree that any of that depth was intended or even there in the text. You have to do so much work to tease out a palatable interpretation and meanwhile I’m like “or they just didn’t give a shit and it’s bad writing.gif” Reading those endless articles from the people involved in the show is a whole other level of hell because if they’re not outright lying, they’re disagreeing about the show on a very basic level, and none of what they’re saying they put in did they actually manage to convey (imo, of course, which should be self evident, but as we all know, the wank rides eternal shiny and chrome)

anyway, I’m losing the plot of this so the end of this post is going to be very anticlimactic and just this sentence cause I don’t know how to finish it.
