#felix culpa


Felix: truth or dare?


Felix: how many hours have you slept this week?



Felix: go to sleep

Marinette:I don’t like this game

Felix: I have no emotions.

Allegra: *arches an eyebrow and heads to the kitchen*

Felix: …Wait. Allegra, NO-!

Allegra: *comes back from kitchen, carrying Marinette*

Marinette: *giggling from being carried*

Felix, fighting a smile: Damn it…

Felix:I give up. I am so tired.

Allegra:Get the emergency supply!

Claude: [carries Marinette and places her in front of Felix]


Felix:[Jumps up] Im better than ever-

Felix: I was stressing out the whole day and you never once offered me a hug!

Marinette: Alright then, bring it in.

Felix: I don’t need your hugs anymore!

Marinette: *Under her breath* This is why nobody hugs you.

Alya, letting Nino beat them at arm wrestling: Aw, darn it! You won!

Marinette, slamming Felix’s hand down at full force: DO YOU SEE WHAT YOU GET FELIX? DO YOU SEE WHAT YOU GET WHEN YOU MESS WITH THE WARRIOR!?


Kidnapper: We have your child

Felix and Marinette: We don’t have a child?

Kidnapper: Then who just asked for warm milk and made us cut the crusts off their sandwich?

Felix: Oh god, you have Adrien

part two probably-

Felix: has anyone seen my son??

Marinette: oh god,,,Adrien!!

Felix: that mother’s adrenaline is kicking in—ADRIEN!!

Felix: I can see every equation

Marinette: excuse me ma’am, have you seen my son, he’s about this tall, clearly gay but we haven’t had the talk

Felix: (kicks over a trash can) ADRIEN ARE YOU IN THERE

Kidnapper: We have your child

Felix and Marinette: We don’t have a child?

Kidnapper: Then who just asked for warm milk and made us cut the crusts off their sandwich?

Felix: Oh god, you have Adrien

Marinette: I’m sorry to tell you this but you have a heart, and capacity to feel.

Felix: You take that back.

Adrien: Do you mind if I slyly mention that you’re single?

Felix: Do not do that.

Adrien: You won’t even notice!

Marinette, entering: Felix, you wanted to see me again?

Adrien: Felix’s single


I’m writing a felinette fic- I plan on making it an enemies-to-lovers book-

The title of the book is “Ad infinitum” (It means

again and again in the same way; forever.)

Felix’s mom has an obsessive and dangerous stalker. She doesn’t want the stalker to hurt Felix so she sends him to live with the Dupain-Chengs.

On the first day Felix moves in he instantly becomes hostile. He was rude and barely talked if he didn’t have too. Sabine and Tom didn’t mind though, they understood Felix was going through a lot and he needed time to adjust.

Marrinette on the other hand, did mind. She hated how rude Felix was being. He would constantly argue and annoy Marinette and Marrinette would do the same. Even though they lived together they still hated eachothers guts-

Its gonna be a slow-burn enemies-to-lovers with Felix and Adrian rivalry (and possible Adrien and Lila salt )

I don’t have much experience as an author so any criticism or feedback is welcome!

Every update and chapter will be under the tag

#Ad Infinitum-Felinette

Miraculous ladybug as John mulaney quotes

Marinette: I look back on being 17 and think, ‘Oh my God, how did I not die?’

Chloe: College was like a four-year game show called ‘Do my friends hate me or do I just need to go to sleep?’

Adrien: We started chanting, McDonald’s, McDonald’s, McDonald’s! And my dad pulled into the drive thru, and we started cheering and then he ordered one black coffee for himself and kept driving.

Marinette: My vibe is like, hey you could probably pour soup in my lap and I’ll apologize to you

Felix: I don’t look older, I just look worse.

Felix: I’ll keep all my emotions right here, and then one day I’ll die

Max: “You’re like the kid at the sleepover who, after midnight, is like, ‘It’s tomorrow now.’ Get out of here with your technicalities. Just because you’re accurate doesn’t mean you’re interesting.”

Mr pigeon: “Everyone get out of my way, I just wanna sit here and feed my birds”

Marinette: [sneaks into the room wearing a huge coat]

Felix: What’s with the coat?

Marinette’s coat: [hamster noises]

Marinette: Drugs.

[on their first date]

Felix, nervous: I like your name! 

Marinette, equally nervous: thanks, I got it for my birthday.

Felix trying to cook for the first time

Marinette: What is the one thing I told you not to do?

Felix: Burn the house down.

Marinette: And what did you do?

Felix: I made dinner.




Felix: And burnt the house down.

Okay- but can somone write a oneshot where Felix is reading and Marrinette snuggles in between his arms- Felix keeps complaining about trying to read so marrinette starts to get up but felix doesn’t wanna let go-


Felix Agreste is dead to me, now on to Felix Culpa cause why the fuck couldn’t they keep PV Felix in, WHAT WAS THE REASON?!

Felix and Marinette would’ve been a better and more interesting pair and nobody can change my mind-

Adrian: So, what is Marinette to you?

Felix: The reason I wake up every morning

Adrian: …that’s adorable

Marinette earlier that morning, barging into Felix’s room, smacking pans together: WAKE UP WAKE UP WAKE UP WAKE UP WAKE UP

Felix: I want to kiss you

Marinette, not paying attention: What?

Felix: I-I said if you die, I wont miss you
