#marienette dupain cheng

Nekocon 19 Hall PhotoMarinette Dupain-Cheng & Adrien Agreste from Miraculous LadybugPhotographer

Nekocon 19 Hall Photo

Marinette Dupain-Cheng & Adrien Agreste from Miraculous Ladybug


Marinette cosplayer: @commoners-coffee

Adrien cosplayer: @togami-salami


Email:[email protected]

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A New Chat in Town

Chapter 1: A simple silver ring

“Where are we headed to, Adrien?” Felix asked as Adrien led them both through the halls of Gabriel’s mansion. Adrien looked more distressed than usual, he was going so fast Felix had to run just to keep up with him.

“To my room, there’s something I need to give you and I trust that you’ll keep it safe,” Adrien answered as they ran up the stairs. Felix couldn’t help the small twinge of anger everytime Adrien stopped running to check if Felix was still following him. He felt as if Adrien was looking down on him.

When they finally made it back to Adrien’s room, he locked the door behind him. Gesturing towards a drawer, he called Felix over. Felix didn’t go over to him though. He decided to continue standing where he was until Adrien finally explained what was happening. It was childish and stubborn of him, but what can you really expect from someone who’s stubborn to a fault?

Felix almost smiled when Adrien had given up on waiting for him and instead walked over. When against Adrien, he never won. It made him jealous of the boy. He hated how perfect the other was. It was a small, meaningless victory but it was a victory nonetheless.

“I need to give you something but you have to keep it safe. Felix, promise me you’ll keep it safe,” Adrien begged, holding both of Felix’s hands in his. He looked desperate, scared almost.

“I don’t have to promise you anything, Adrien” Felix scoffed, yanking his hands away from Adrien’s in disgust.

Adrien’s request only dampened his mood. He should know by now how much he despises touch. First, he drags him here and now he demands that he do something for him? How entitled does Adrien think he is?

“Felix, please. I beg of you, please do this one thing for me. I need your help.”

Felix only glared at him with his arms crossed. He considered leaving Adrien’s room and refusing his request. Didn’t the golden boy have friends? Friends who would gladly do anything he asked?

Right as he was about to speak though, Adrien interrupted him.

“I know the code to father’s safe. I’ll give it to you if you just help me with this one thing”

Felix wanted to refuse, he wanted to laugh at Adrien’s face for being so desperate he’d turn on his own father but he couldn’t. The code to Gabriel’s safe was just too valuable to pass up. He’d get access to Gabriel’s safe and all he had to do was keep something safe? There was no way he would refuse.

With a sigh, Felix accepted Adrien’s terms, “Alright, I promise I’ll keep whatever you’re gonna give to me safe.”

Adrien only looked at him with a relives smile as he walked over to the drawer. This time Felix had followed.

Felix watched as Adrien went through the drawer. He was throwing around clothes and pushing the contents of the drawer around. It took a while until he finally pulled out a small brown box. He opened the box and took out a silver ring.

“A silver ring? You want me to keep a boring silver ring safe, Adrien?” Felix questioned, refusing the ring when it was handed to him by Adrien. All this stress over a stupid silver ring. This had to be a prank. Adrien was probably only using the code to get him to accept the deal.

He felt like an idiot for accepting the deal so readily. Of course, Adrien would never sell out his father. He probably didn’t have a single bad bone in his body.

“It’s not a normal ring, Felix. It’s special and needs to be kept safe, you’ll see when you put it on. For now, just trust me and take the ring. I don’t have much time!”

Adrien pleaded, holding up the ring.

Felix looked at Adrien with a mixture of confusion and disbelief. A special ring? Did Adrien think Felix was a child who still believed in fairy tales? How foolish of him.

“Adrien, what is going on? Who’s Plagg? I swear if this is some sort of prank I’ll-”

“It’s not a prank Felix, this ring is dangerous in the wrong hands, Father has caught on to me and it won’t be long before he comes looking for it. Please, just take it and go. Plagg will tell you everything once you put it on”

Gabriel doesn’t want Adrien to have that ring? Now that piqued his curiosity. What could the ring mean? What did Adrien do to get the ring?

Slowly, the boy took the ring from Adrien’s hand and examined it, it looked like a simple silver ring. What could Gabriel possibly be mad about? Why was he not supposed to have it?

His mind was telling him not to take the ring, that this was a prank meant to expose and humiliate him. He knew he shouldn’t but he wanted to know more. He wanted to know what Adrien did to get himself into trouble with Gabriel. He knew he should’ve refused but he took it anyway.


“Fine,” Felix said, shoving the ring in his vest pocket, “But this better not come back to bite me, Adrien”

With a sigh, Felix left Adrien’s room and started walking towards his. It wasn’t a long journey. His room was just across from Adrien’s.

Not long after he left, he heard another set of footsteps walking quickly up the stairs. He’d guess it was Gabriel. Gabriel was probably storming into Adrien’s room right now to question him about the ring. He absent-mindedly touched the pocket where the ring was. If Gabriel wanted this ring it must’ve been special.

Walking into his room he sat on his bed. He wasn’t sure what to make of what just happened. Adrien’s rushed explanation only gave him more questions and more answers.

He took the ring out of his vest pocket and examined it once more. Adrien said the ring wasn’t normal but it didn’t look any special. It was a simple silver ring.

Adrien had told him to put the ring on but he wasn’t sure if he should. Putting the ring on could get him answers but it was risky. Adrien made the ring sound dangerous and he didn’t want to take any chances.

Eventually, he decided to go to bed and put the ring away for now. It was already pretty late and sleeping would probably help clear his mind.

As he got ready to go to bed, he took the ring and hid it behind a book on his bookshelf. He figured that would keep it safe while he slept.


Felix woke to the sound of his alarm going off. He quickly shut off the alarm and got out of bed. He picked out a fresh set of clothes and got ready for a shower. His mind couldn’t help but think about the ring hidden on his bookshelf. What exactly did he get himself into?

After getting everything ready he finally stepped into the shower. He let the water wash over him as he contemplated what to do with the ring.

He went over any possibility and scenario. It couldn’t be a prank, Gabriel had sounded genuinely angry when he stomped up the stairs.

He couldn’t have stolen it either. Felix didn’t think Adrien was even capable of stealing things. Sure, Adrien was an idiot with no backbone, but he wasn’t a thief. He didn’t have the heart for that.

No matter how many possibilities Felix thought up, he was still no close to getting answers. Every idea he had led nowhere. Every possibility he could think of was quickly debunked.

Maybe the answer wasn’t as logical as he thought. A voice in the back of his mind had suggested. Maybe the ring wasn’t normal?

He had decided he was going to put it on after the shower. Putting the ring on was risky, yes, but he needed answers.


Felix looked at the ring in his hand. It was still the same old simple ring. There was no change to it. He rotated it between his fingers, looking for anything at all that could make this ring different. He wasn’t surprised he had found nothing. This was the third time he did this after all.

He knew what he had to do but he wasn’t sure if he could do it. He had to put on the ring. He needed answers. As much as he hated it, the answers weren’t going to come out of thin air. Adrien couldn’t be of any help either since he was probably still getting yelled at or punished by Gabriel.

Before he could procrastinate any further he slid the ring onto his finger. It was a surprisingly snug fit. It was as if it was made with his finger measurements in mind.

After a few seconds, nothing happened. Maybe this was a prank? It probably was just a normal r-

“I see I spoke too soon,” he said to himself as he watched a glowing green light come from the ring. It swirled around him to reveal a black cat-like creature.

It had green, feral eyes. One’s that that screamed the words “dangerous” and “wild”. The creature’s piercing gaze made even him shudder, goosebumps and all.

He stared into the creature’s cat-like eyes for a while before finally asking, “And who might you be?”

“The names Plagg, i’m the kwami of destruction and all that stuff. Got any cheese?”

Ch.2 |

Heya! Thanks for reading my fic. :) If you couldn’t tell by the name or first chapter, this is going to be a fic where Felix replaces Adrien as Chat. I’ll try my best to update regularly (Maybe every week or so)

Any suggestions or feedback is appreciated-

I will be doing a tag list so if you’re interested lmk and I’ll tag you in future updates. I will also be using the tag #Devv0 A New Chat in Town If that helps :)


Felix: you’re annoying

Marinette: then stop holding my hand

Felix: [squeezing tighter] no

Felix: Name a more iconic duo than my fear of abandonment and instinct to self-isolate. I’ll wait.

Marinette: You and me.

Felix, tearing up:Alright

Felix: truth or dare?


Felix: how many hours have you slept this week?



Felix: go to sleep

Marinette:I don’t like this game

Felix: I have no emotions.

Allegra: *arches an eyebrow and heads to the kitchen*

Felix: …Wait. Allegra, NO-!

Allegra: *comes back from kitchen, carrying Marinette*

Marinette: *giggling from being carried*

Felix, fighting a smile: Damn it…

Felix:I give up. I am so tired.

Allegra:Get the emergency supply!

Claude: [carries Marinette and places her in front of Felix]


Felix:[Jumps up] Im better than ever-

Felix: I was stressing out the whole day and you never once offered me a hug!

Marinette: Alright then, bring it in.

Felix: I don’t need your hugs anymore!

Marinette: *Under her breath* This is why nobody hugs you.

Alya, letting Nino beat them at arm wrestling: Aw, darn it! You won!

Marinette, slamming Felix’s hand down at full force: DO YOU SEE WHAT YOU GET FELIX? DO YOU SEE WHAT YOU GET WHEN YOU MESS WITH THE WARRIOR!?


Kidnapper: We have your child

Felix and Marinette: We don’t have a child?

Kidnapper: Then who just asked for warm milk and made us cut the crusts off their sandwich?

Felix: Oh god, you have Adrien

part two probably-

Felix: has anyone seen my son??

Marinette: oh god,,,Adrien!!

Felix: that mother’s adrenaline is kicking in—ADRIEN!!

Felix: I can see every equation

Marinette: excuse me ma’am, have you seen my son, he’s about this tall, clearly gay but we haven’t had the talk

Felix: (kicks over a trash can) ADRIEN ARE YOU IN THERE

Kidnapper: We have your child

Felix and Marinette: We don’t have a child?

Kidnapper: Then who just asked for warm milk and made us cut the crusts off their sandwich?

Felix: Oh god, you have Adrien

Marinette: I’m sorry to tell you this but you have a heart, and capacity to feel.

Felix: You take that back.

Adrien: Do you mind if I slyly mention that you’re single?

Felix: Do not do that.

Adrien: You won’t even notice!

Marinette, entering: Felix, you wanted to see me again?

Adrien: Felix’s single


I’m writing a felinette fic- I plan on making it an enemies-to-lovers book-

The title of the book is “Ad infinitum” (It means

again and again in the same way; forever.)

Felix’s mom has an obsessive and dangerous stalker. She doesn’t want the stalker to hurt Felix so she sends him to live with the Dupain-Chengs.

On the first day Felix moves in he instantly becomes hostile. He was rude and barely talked if he didn’t have too. Sabine and Tom didn’t mind though, they understood Felix was going through a lot and he needed time to adjust.

Marrinette on the other hand, did mind. She hated how rude Felix was being. He would constantly argue and annoy Marinette and Marrinette would do the same. Even though they lived together they still hated eachothers guts-

Its gonna be a slow-burn enemies-to-lovers with Felix and Adrian rivalry (and possible Adrien and Lila salt )

I don’t have much experience as an author so any criticism or feedback is welcome!

Every update and chapter will be under the tag

#Ad Infinitum-Felinette

Miraculous ladybug as John mulaney quotes

Marinette: I look back on being 17 and think, ‘Oh my God, how did I not die?’

Chloe: College was like a four-year game show called ‘Do my friends hate me or do I just need to go to sleep?’

Adrien: We started chanting, McDonald’s, McDonald’s, McDonald’s! And my dad pulled into the drive thru, and we started cheering and then he ordered one black coffee for himself and kept driving.

Marinette: My vibe is like, hey you could probably pour soup in my lap and I’ll apologize to you

Felix: I don’t look older, I just look worse.

Felix: I’ll keep all my emotions right here, and then one day I’ll die

Max: “You’re like the kid at the sleepover who, after midnight, is like, ‘It’s tomorrow now.’ Get out of here with your technicalities. Just because you’re accurate doesn’t mean you’re interesting.”

Mr pigeon: “Everyone get out of my way, I just wanna sit here and feed my birds”

Marinette: [sneaks into the room wearing a huge coat]

Felix: What’s with the coat?

Marinette’s coat: [hamster noises]

Marinette: Drugs.

[on their first date]

Felix, nervous: I like your name! 

Marinette, equally nervous: thanks, I got it for my birthday.
