#felix karma


The Collector outs Felix

I dislike both Gabriel and Felix but in this case, I am on Gabriel’s side because he was the victim of theft.

While akumatized, Gabriel decides to reveal that his nephew has stolen his wife’s ring. He knows Emilie’s ring very well and is not fooled by a copy. Also, having had unpleasant experiences with Felix, Ladybug and Chat do not trust this innocent facade Felix puts up.

Felix: my uncle is a strange man

Collector: better to be strange than a thief!

Chat glared Felix. “Well, now it all makes sense. First your cousin, now your uncle. Have you no shame?”

Felix: yes, I stole his ring, but I gave it back!

Collector: liar! I know every scratch on Emily’s ring. Do you really think your copy could fool me?

Chat Noir was further enraged at the disrespect Felix was showing his mother.

Ladybug was hardly surprised. Swinging down, she cast the boy a disgusted glower. “I’m not even surprised,” she said. “This is the boy who would try to alienate his cousin from his friends on his mother’s anniversary, not to mention strike a deal with Hawkmoth of all people.”

Seeing no point in pretending to be innocent, Felix just scowled. “Are you going to just stand there lecturing me or actually do something about my uncle?”

Ladybug summoned her lucky charm.

Cue fight.

A remorseful Gabriel stands up. “I’m so sorry. Today just makes the memories of my wife stronger.”

Chat interrupts Gabriel’s apology to Felix. “You had every right to be angry, Mr Agreste. You were as much a victim.”

Ladybug put her hands on her hips. “Felix, isn’t there something you want to return to your uncle? Something that isn’t fake?”

With the influential crowd coming out, some already recording the heroes, Felix gritted his teeth. “I don’t have the ring on me now,” he admitted. “It’s back home in England.”

Gabriel says softly. “It’s alright, Felix. You can keep Emelie’s ring.”

Felix: No, I can’t. Not like this. I’ll send it to you via post.

Chat: hopefully not another fake.

Cue Chloé interrupting and Bob Roth deleting her video

Needless to say, Felix and Amelie quickly leave.

However, bad press has a way of spreading quickly.

Footage of the battle against the Collector had been posted on media, with Ladybug and Chat Noir reporting Felix’s crimes.

The possibility of him being Hawkmoth’s accomplice was enough to get the police involved.

Felix claims to have been in a bad mood then to think clearly. However the public opinion is still not satisfied with his bratty attitude and are pressuring him to return the real ring.

When Gabriel sends a public message asking the crowd to desist bothering his nephew, he apologized for causing such a ruckus.

This actually spurs the crowd further as Gabriel had a right to be upset.

Amelie decides to hire bodyguards until this all blows over. That enrages the public since she is enabling her son.

Felix soon sends another fake ring in public view.

Gabriel is annoyed by the lack of the real ring. He akumatizes the crowd somehow into the justice jury so they can find the ring.

Considering this is in England and they are right outside Felix’s home , they find the ring before Ladybug and Chat Noir show up. But now that they have done so, they have to honor their bargain with Hawkmoth.

Cue fight.

When Ladybug casts her cure, it leaves the ring in place.

With the ring properly restored, Ladybug tells the former akumas not to let negative emotions lead their lives.
