#female killer

19-year-old Heather Mack was described as having a ‘’privileged upbringing’’, having been raised in 19-year-old Heather Mack was described as having a ‘’privileged upbringing’’, having been raised in

19-year-oldHeather Mack was described as having a ‘’privileged upbringing’’, having been raised in her big Chicago home by her parents, Sheila MackandJames L. Mack. Her father, James, was a notable jazz musician and composer. After her father’s sudden death in 2006 during a family trip in Greece, the police would come to be very familiar with the mother and daughter’s strained relationship. Police were constantly summoned to resolve domestic incidents, usually involving Heather stealing money from her mother or even physically assaulting her. In her senior year of high school, Heather began dating an older boy named Tommy Schaefer. Sheila did not approve of this relationship and even forced her daughter to get an abortion twice.

In August 2014, Sheila and Heather flew first class to Bali. The purpose of the trip with to have spend some quality time together and mend their broken relationship. Tensions had been brewing lately; Heather was pregnant for a third time, and Sheila was seeking a power of attorney to enforce another abortion on her 19-year-old daughter. But during the vacation, Heather stole her mother’s credit card and bought Tommy a $12,000 plane ticket to Bali. When Sheila discovered what happened, she was understandably livid. Heather and Tommy texted back and forth, plotting Sheila’s murder. Tommy showed up to Sheila and Heather’s suite carrying a glass fruit bowl with a metal handle. He then battered Sheila over the head with it. The couple stuffed her body in a suitcase and placed it in the trunk of a taxi and walked away. The driver checked the suitcase and noted traces of blood on the exterior. He then notified police immediately.
The couple confessed to the crime, and Tommy was sentenced to 18 years in prison, while Heather was only sentenced to 10 years because she had given birth by that point. On October 29th, 2021, Heather was released early from prison and immediately deported back to Chicago. As soon as she landed in Chicago, she was arrested on conspiracy and obstruction charges.

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 Barbara Graham was born in 1923 in Oakland, California. As a teenager, she spent time at a reformat Barbara Graham was born in 1923 in Oakland, California. As a teenager, she spent time at a reformat

Barbara Graham was born in 1923 in Oakland, California. As a teenager, she spent time at a reformatory and attempted to change her troubled ways. In 1939, she married but within two years, the marriage had fallen apart. She then drifted into sex work and eventually married a mobster by the name of Henry Graham.
It was Henry who introduced Barbara to Jack Santo, who was a gang leader.

 Barbara, her husband, Jack Santo, and two other accomplices - Emmett Perkins and John True - set out one night to rob a wealthy elderly woman, Mabel Monahan. Enraged that they could not find any valuables, they smothered and beat the elderly woman to death.

They were quickly apprehended and Barbara became known as “Bloody Babs” in the press. She was sentenced to death after John True testified against the group. She was told that she may receive a stay of execution, to which she replied: “I never got a break in my whole goddamned life and you think I’m going to get one now?” 

On 3 June, 1955, her execution was pushed back from 22:00 to 23:30, to which she said: “Why do they torture me? I was ready to go at ten o’clock.” She was led to the gas chamber and pronounced dead at 11:42. Her last words were:
“Good people are always so sure they’re right.”

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 In 1991, 16-year-old Laurie Show became the victim of stalking and harassment by her classmate, Lis In 1991, 16-year-old Laurie Show became the victim of stalking and harassment by her classmate, Lis

In 1991, 16-year-old Laurie Show became the victim of stalking and harassment by her classmate, Lisa Michelle Lambert. Lambert was enraged that Laurie had briefly dated her boyfriend, Lawrence “Butch” Yunkin, who she was currently expecting a baby with. 

Lambert became obsessively jealous, believing that Laurie was attempting to steal him away from her, when in reality, Laurie wanted nothing to do with him as she had told her mother that he had date raped her while dating. Nevertheless, Lambert continually harassed and threatened Laurie, even showing up to her work. Multiple witnesses reported that Lambert had spoken of her desire to slit Laurie’s throat. 

On 21 December, 1991, Laurie’s mother, Hazel, received a phone call from somebody who she believed was the school counsellor, asking her to come down to the school to talk about the problems between the two girls. In reality, this phone call was a diversion by Lambert to get Hazel out of the house so that Laurie was alone. 

When Hazel returned home later, she found Laurie in a pool of her own blood with “a five-inch gash to the throat; a stab wound that punctured a lung and another that grazed her spine; several wounds to the head; and a number of defensive wounds.” Miraculously she was still alive and managed to tell Hazel that Lambert had done this to her before passing away. 

Lisa Lambert was sentenced to life imprisonment. Lampert’s boyfriend, Lawrence, who had dropped Lambert off at Laurie’s house, was paroled in 2003 after testifying against Lambert.

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