#female muscle growth


Sam started her live feed. “So you guys know how I’m like really tall right? Well shorty over here is doing a ‘product review’ for D’s growth pills and somehow thinks she’s going to get taller at 27” she said motioning to the 5’2 Jen who was wearing comically oversized clothing that hung loosely off of her

“Haha, nice outfit there Jen!”

“Oh come on Sam, it’s for when I grow! I took a lot of those pills so I’m going to be way to big for my normal clothes!”

As Sam turned to the camera, Jen felt a pulse through her body. “Was this it?” She thought.

Jen felt her legs stretch as her body grew, filling her oversized gym clothes and overtaking her 5’9 friend. It felt incredible, feeling her new pants press tights against her growing legs, her feet filling her shoes, her swelling boobs and lean, growing muscles filling out her top. It was all Jen could do to not moan in pleasure, but the look on Sam’s face would be worth it.

“So this bitch really thinks she’s going to get bigg… huh!?” A shadow fell over Sam as Jen loomed behind her.

“Ehemm… still think I was wrong about those growth hormones?”

Jess snatched the bottle from the counter.

“Ohh, is this how you’ve managed to grow a few inches? Interesting. You wouldn’t mind if I… chugged all of it, right??”

Before anyone could respond, Jess was guzzling the whole bottle. The liquid poured down her throat. With each gulp, it looked like her body bounced slightly… only she wasn’t coming back down. Jess was growing right before their eyes. They were mesmerized.

Jess could feel her clothes tighten. Her shirt was shrinking into a crop top, while her pants shortened; first to capris, then to something resembling shredded shorts. Seams popped. She felt her hips and ass bounce free as her waistband tore. She moaned slightly but kept drinking. Her large breasts bulged over her top while her growing feet snapped the straps of her shoes.

Finally one woman, the one who had recently grown a few inches, snapped out of it long enough to try to stop her.

“Not the whole thing!” She cried as she ran toward the growing woman.

But it was far too late. Jess stood head and shoulder above the woman, shoving her away with only one hand, and finishing the entire bottle. By the time she was done she was 8’. Her clothes were hanging off of her now massive body.

Jess slammed the empty bottle on the counter, and let out a room shaking burp

“*buuurp* Mhhhh, that hit the spot” said Jess as she patted her exposed stomach.

“Wow, you guys look really tiny. Not gonna lie though, I really thought I’d grow a little more”

The room stared at her, astounded but mesmerized, both fearful and curious

“What? What are you all staring at. Yeah I know I’m a big girl now but….” A loud rumble came from inside of her. Her eyes widened in shock, “…ohh…”

Jess closed her eyes, somewhat doubling over

“Ohhh…” her insides felt like they were on fire, she felt her bones and her muscles shifting, heating up, tightening, she felt like she was going to explode!

“OOHHHHH…..” Jess grabbed her sides and knelt down

“What’s happening to me!!??? Someone ohhh oh god this hurts! H…helppp MMMEEEEEE!!!!”

Her voice deepened and distorted her whole body thickened. Bulking out with muscles and curves in equal measure. Her legs grew under her, her feet slamming into the wall. Jess felt her back hit the ceiling as she bent down, running out of space.

The onlookers started running, scrambling to get out of the room.

Jess started to catch her breath, “W…wow… I…I’m enormous… hahaha I’M A FUCKING GIANT!! LOOK HOW TINY YOU ALL ARE… HEHEHE…. COME HEREEE CUTIESSS”

Her stomach rumbled again


Her dress looked like it was ready to burst, she was slowly filling the chair, she was easily half a foot taller than her naturally petite self. She crossed her thick legs, her feet notably bare, as her dress was pulled further up her large thighs, almost showing her ass.

“What happened to you!?”

“Ohhh *hic* hunny you’re here! I spiked the beer with some growth hormones, look at me! I’m so huge!!”

“Growth hormones? Is that even safe? And there’s so many people around!”

She was hardly listening, preoccupied with her drink and her growing body

“My thighs got so thick! And I had to kick my shoes off cuz my feet grew too! *hic* I’m gonna be one big gal if this keeps up!”

“But should we get you home, I mean, I don’t want you to get kicked out for this.”

She took a large gulp of her beer and straightened up, her buttons were straining.

“Kicked out!? Listen here you, I can’t help it if these stupid clothes can’t contain such a big big woman. I’m here trying to enjoy myself. And I’d… *buuuuuurp*” she seemed to grow right before your eyes.

Her dress pulled tighter as buttons popped flew off, her thick, muscular thighs bulged, her whole ass was close to hanging out of the failing garment, “heheh excuse me! Think I just got a lil bigger there.”

She stood up, stomping her large feet to the floor. She was easily 8’ tall if not more.

“Now like I was saying… I’d like to see someone try to throw me out!”

*shhhrrip* her dress exploded as she pulsed larger again, leaving the amazon woman in nothing but her straining underwear as her body bulged over them.

“Oopse, I guess it couldn’t handle the new me *hic* told you; can’t be contained”

You were hypnotized as she pulsed larger with each rep. She had only been 5’3 before, with a slim but toned figure.

Now you watched as her head inches higher, growing to 6’, 6’5, her body bulking as her muscles shred her sleeves, her breasts pumping up through the alphabet.
