#female yandere



My Yandere OCS~!

  • So I saw so many people do this and it just looked like so much fun that I decided to make some of my own Yandere ocs! Both Yandere girls and boys! Also I tried to make the s/o (you) gender neutral so everyone can feel included!
  • It would be nice to receive asks with them as well! I wanna get my creative juices thriving again xD But yeah! I hope you’ll like my bbs!!

Trigger warnings: This is Yandere so there will obviously be triggering topics, such as: Manipulation, kidnapping, gaslighting, guilt tripping, sexual stuff, psychological and physical torture, just some of these babs can be really messed up so beware!

Name: Flora

Yandere type: Obsessive

“Hey sweetie! I brought you more cookies!”

Oh my, this absolute baby. This absolute angel.Believe me she is such a good girl for real. She is so sweet and happily bakes you cookies and other treats. That cute smile is seemingly always on her lips. An absolutely amazing listener and is gladly a shoulder to cry on. She loves giving hugs and since she is smol then she would love to be picked up as well if possible. Because fuck such a baby. Also never curses, literally never. She is adorable and pure but she is a yandere so of course not everything about her is good.

“W-What? You don’t love me? What did I-I do wrong?”

Even in her Yandere mode she is still a softie! She would never kill anyone, never hurt anyone, she might go as far as to hurt herself though so you’d stay with her. Hurting you is a huge no no and she is too weak and fragile to wanna hurt anybody else.

She can be manipulative though, uses her tears as her weapon and just guilt trips even if she honestly isn’t fully aware of that. Like she doesn’t understand that what she is doing can be seen as manipulation or guilt tripping.

Kidnapping for her is the absolute last resort and she really doesn’t want to go through with that, but if she would then she would be incredibly remorseful and do anything so you’d be comfortable. She would be begging for forgiveness and crying the entire first day when you’d be in captivity. So much so that you’ll likely feel bad for her even if you didn’t do anything wrong.

The most she does as punishments is leave you alone and with no food. But even that is rarely because she would rather hurt herself then see her beloved in pain.

She is seriously a sweetheart and an incredibly gentle yandere. From my ocs she is the best choice to end up with to be honest.

Name: Alex

Yandere type: Possessive & Sadistic

“Would you like to hang out later (Name)?”

Alex is a seemingly innocent and kind hearted guy. He is so sweet and is seriously the nicest boy all around. He is loved by everyone and nobody has anything bad to say about him. Alex is also one of the top students and will gladly help you with whatever you need and he will never ask for nothing in return besides your company.

However, even if it doesn’t seem wrong at first, then your other friends seem to somehow start to keep distance from you. Obviously he is there for you and to push your worries aside. Saying things like “They just don’t understand how amazing you are, like I do.” In that sweet melodic tone of his and you just feel so safe in his arms. It’s almost ridiculous how dependent you become on him.

But all of his persona is just a huge fucking lie because as soon as you reject him then you’ll get to see the beast he actually is.

“What the fuck did you just say?!”

The first thing you hear is him cursing when you reject him. Despite him literally never cursing before and his eyes change too. He just looks insane, because that’s what he seriously is. All of his good boy personality is just a huge lie and actually he is a piece of shit who isn’t above hurting anyone to get his way.

He will knock you out and kidnap you right away when you reject him. This boy does not take rejection well ever and it gets tiring playing the cute, sweet boy all the time so he’ll be happy to show off his actual personality.

As soon as you wake up then you’ll be met with the insane bastard man he truly is. He will stop at nothing to make you love him like he loves you. The one bad thing is that his love is incredibly twisted and to him you have to be perfectly obedient even if he doesn’t mind at all if you fight against him. That just makes things somuch more fun and the satisfaction of seeing you broken so much more delicious.

He is perverted, not gonna lie. But not as much as one might actually expect. There may be some sexual punishments but most will be physical and psychological. He absolutely lovesmind games! Making you doubt absolutely everything and make you doubt yourself. He loves seeing you cry and he’s such a bastard to lick them off your cheeks. He is very sadistic and will get clear pleasure from your pain and isn’t afraid to threaten to hurt your loved ones to make you obey.

Once you’ll be his perfect little doll then everything will be perfect and he will be so gentle that you’ll realise how horribly unfair to him you had been to him at first and how nice it feels to be a good girl/boy to him now.

Name: Emma

Yandere type: Obsessive & Little delusional

“Hey babe! Wanna hear about the new prank I have planned?”

One word to describe Emma as is a prankster. She loves setting pranks up on people and she loves other people who love to have fun like her. None of her pranks are really mean spirited she just likes to have fun and try to take the most in life that she can. She also loves to go to haunted houses and other abandoned places. She is just really chill and nice! Also to be fair she is also pretty intelligent and her pranks are really creative. She is not the best student out there but it’s mostly because she doesn’t try as hard as she could. She passes her classes but she could do a lot better. All of her time is just around her pranks and you.

She just loves hanging around with you. No matter what your personality is like then she’ll just love being around you. What starts out as a crush soon goes out of control and she just can’t get you out of her head but you will never see it.

Emma makes sure that you know how much you mean to her even if sometimes it can come off as awkward then she means well!

“Sweetie, don’t cry! I am doing this because l love you!”

She doesn’t start off as a Yandere. Her love for you just takes over everything. She doesn’t even really have to stalk you because he manages to monopolize all of your time to be with her. However she does take pictures of you, a lot of pictures of you. She touches herself to the thought of you quite a lot. Maybe she even gets brave enough to grab a pair of your underwear. She just loves you so much it has drove her insane. If she would have gotten actual professional help at the right time then everything could have been prevented but now it’s just too late.

She will only kidnap you if somebody else takes her place or if you reject her because this baby is so obsessed with you that she literally can’t live without you anymore. She absolutely needs you to breathe and live. Nobody else matters to her but you. Even her pranks don’t, you’re all she thinks about anymore. In her mind you have to love her already. Because she loves you!

When she kidnaps you then she is very remorseful but she has convinced herself that this is for the absolute best. You two can finally be together and nobody can separate you two anymore! I have to say that she is perverted and now that she gets to be so close to you then her perversions take over her and a lot of her punishments are either sexual or psychological in nature. But she doesn’t punish you a lot because in her mind you are just getting used to your new life and relationship and everything is okay!

No matter what she will have to do then the two of you will live happy together forever and everything will be perfect! No matter what.

Name: Damon

Yandere type: Pervert, a huge fucking pervert & Sadistic & Stalker

“Everyone is so fucking stupid, besides you.”

This dude. This fucking dude, holy crap. Okay where to get started. Well he is mostly really monotone honestly. Seriously doesn’t show a lot of emotion at all and most of the time his emotions consist of anger and deep annoyance. Even with you he starts off as being very indifferent towards you but something about you just pulls him towards you and he can’t stop himself. It annoys him deeply and makes him angry, because fucking damn it why does he feel like this? He thought he was so much better then this but you have him weak at his knees. Eventually he accepts these feelings and boy it’s not gonna be good.

You may just be a classmate, his friend, his teacher, fuck you may have bumped into him once. No matter what it is then he just becomes obsessed with you and that just isn’t good for you or anyone else around you.

Also this dude is a huge fucking pervert. Like an absolute fucking pervert. If he would be in Danganronpa then his talent would definitely be Ultimate Pervert. Anyways he is a stalker. Definitely a stalker and he is so good at it that it’s literally scary. He steals your underwear, shirts, scarves, whatever he gets his hands on. He has an incredibly high sex drive and he jacks off to the thought of you so often. Even in class his thoughts seem to linger and he has to go to the bathroom to get rid of it. Seriously he just loves the idea of dominating you and making you moan out his name.

“Oh baby you look so cute when crying~!”

Kidnapping is 110% gonna happen. No escaping that. This man isn’t afraid to have his hands dirty. He is probably the most likely oc of mine to kill people close to you and the feeling of blood on his body is also a strange turn on. He will do anything to have you and he will literally kill anyone. Even the people you love the most. He’s a fucking bastard I swear to god.

He will have you weak sexy lingerie, no matter if you are girl or a guy. He’ll grope you and rub his bulge against you. Not surprisingly majority of his punishments are highly sexual and sadistic. He is rough and he rarely gets psychological with you. But he does make you feel like every single punishment is completely your fault and that he’s only doing this because he loves you so much.

He will have you completely desperate for his attention by the end of it and you’ll be an empty shell of who you used to be and oh god does he love seeing you this way!

You’re so much more perfect like this~

Name: Amara

Yandere type: Clingy & Obsessive & Delusional

“(Name), I am so happy to see you again!”

Whelp, this girl. Honestly she is a little difficult to explain. Amara in some ways a definite sweetheart. She loves making you smile, also loves to make others smile and just make people happy. She is chill, smart, pretty. Not in any way the most popular girl around but she is definitely known. She is pretty athletic and is the best at basketball.

Mostly she seems normal. Completely average and she makes friends with you easily. She is so sweet and caring. But at the same time she can be so mean? Not to you, of course. But at times she just says the absolute most meanest and rudest things about others with a smile and grin on her face. It’s honestly scary but she quickly changes back to her usual sweet personality.

Those were just the first red flag.

The thing about Amara is that she isn’t really a bad person. However she can’t be called a good person either. She is somewhere in the really fine middle. Her love for you is very much true and she does love you but her love for you just makes her anger and bitchy attitude rise towards anyone who tries to take away your precious attention from her. This just won’t fucking do. Not at all.

For her murder is something she is capable of but doesn’t really wanna do it. However if pushed far enough she will most certainly kill whoever was unfortunate enough to take you away from herself.

She is incredibly protective, smotheringly so and she always finds a way to be together with you and everybody seems to want to stay away from you because Amara is just scary. She is really fucking scary when she nears you with that smile of hers.

Even if you approach her about that then she’ll just laugh and wave it off. You both love eachother right, so why is it wrong of want to be with you all the time?

“Baby, let me have a taste of you~”

Kidnapping with her is actually 50/50. There’s a likely change that you’ll just become so trapped together with her that no matter what you just can’t leave. But if you still did everything you could to disobey her or scream at her to leave you the fuck alone, over and over again, then eventually she will break and will most certainly kidnap you.

Her punishments won’t start out harsh. Mostly isolation and letting you starve for two days or so. Then it goes to leaving cuts on your arms and legs. She licks the blood away as well. Every part of you is way too precious to waste! She just loves you so much. Can’t you see?

Likely will murder somebody and bring you something of theirs, body part likely, to show it off to you like a proud puppy and she is just so confused by your screams and tears. Isn’t this the ultimate token of her love and devotion to you? For her it definitely is! But you have to learn eventually! You just have too!

She does have a sex drive and loves touching you as much as she can, hearing you whine and whimper makes her just feel so excited! It’s just so cute!

When you try to escape then she isn’t past just breaking your leg or hand. She won’t let you leave! No matter what you are supposed to be together forever! Likely won’t ever be capable of killing you though even if the idea becomes tempting at times. But you’re so much more cuter alive then being a cute dead doll.

But yeah, she is crazy with her love for you and she has little to no boundaries to show her love for you.
