#femboy fashion


Hey all!

Finally wrapped up the semester and completed my PMMI certification. Got some dang ol laundry done in my spare time. Hope you’re all doing adorable and well. Warm wishes. <3

Happy Femboy Day, cuties! <3

A fellow adorable femboy let me know today is Femboy Day, so I’ll be sure to mark today on my calendar for future reference. In the meantime, check out this gorgeous dress I picked up. Keep rocking all you femboys out there! ^ ^

Out n about. Busy bee.

Happy Valentine’s Day, cuties!

A valentine to all my femboys out there:

“Whether you’re with or without partners, remember you’re awesome, lovely, and adorable.

Put on those cute thigh highs and garters, and may you look especially submissive and breedable.”

I’m not much of a poet, lel. ;P

Hey again, everyone! Been super busy with work and school lately, but I’m planning to post some info on how I’ve been and what’s next for me and this blog, soon. In the meantime, had some new tights to show off. Hope you’re all cozy and doing well. ^ ^

Big femboy “heya!” from the absentee me. . 3 .

I’ve missed you guys. <3

Guess who~

Stay tuned. <3

Finally been getting some dang snow around here. I need more sweater weather. Still been extra busy with my new job but I’m finding a rhythm to it. Unfortunately with the massive influx of good games coming up and some serious stuff I need to prepare for, I’m assuming I’ll be back to my workaholic pattern I typically follow. But that’s not a bad thing at all. It’s just been nice to have some time to go see movies, grab a drink, or just watch tv shows with my Abuelita. But I’ll still find the time for all of that. Just not for the week I’m going to spend completing KH3 at the end of the month. As always, I’m sure this interests nobody and if you’re reading this I hope you are doing well.

Merry Belated Christmas Everybody!

And a Happy New year!

Sorry for not posting anything lately and taking this long to post even this. I’ve been extremely busy lately. New job, family involvement, too many good video games to count, etc. I’ve been really tired lately so I just wanted to take the time I had off for the holidays and spend it with friends and family. I’ll be sure to post more bleh pictures and talk about stuff soon enough. Have a safe rest of the year everyone. <3
