

Destiel in details

Cosplay by dina_bay_ (fem!Dean)

and kattrisha_cosplay (fem!Castiel)




For this Mother’s Day…….fem!Dean breeding kink.

Backed up into some dark corner, both hands on his belt buckle, mouth on his neck and — “hey, hey. Slow down.” One of his hands slips from her waist and shoves into his back pocket, brushes his wallet. “Hold on.”

“What?” Metal clinking, zipper glittering in the dark. Her fingertips just below his navel, tickling their way to his waistband. “C’mon, we can take it slow later.”

“Not asking for slow, but—“ He tries to wiggle away a little to see what he’s doing, but she follows and crowds up into his space, all tits and hips and soft hair. Almost knocks the wallet straight out of his hand, too. “De, I need a sec before we can move on here.”

At that, she stills, one arm wrapped around his waist and one hand shoved half up his undershirt, half down his pants. A second that’s just her breath against his throat, then — “Leave it.”

A hot thrill, half horror, half “What? De, no.”

“Why not?” And that’s the bad voice, the shiver down his spine voice, petal-soft. “It’ll be good.” Fingertips under his waistband.

“Yeah, well—“ Obviously, he wants to say. That’s not the point. “That’s not the—“

“C’mon, baby.” Cuts him off with her mouth on his throat and her hand on his cock. “‘S gonna be good. Gonna be full.”

He twitches like he’s been kicked, shoulders hunched, curled around her. “You can’t say that,” but it’s soft, hurt.

She breathes, presses against him, warm and soft and soothing. “I wouldn’t mind. Not if it’s you.” Kiss to his throat. Breath-soft voice, lips brushing his skin. “Wouldn’t mind being full and dripping with you.”

“De, that’s a really, really bad idea—“ But his hands find her waist again, her soft hips. Her flannel crumbles up and his hands slip under her tank top. Dropped the wallet after all.

one-wayward-daughter: Collaboration with the awesome @cypii, who drew the lineart based on my fem!suone-wayward-daughter: Collaboration with the awesome @cypii, who drew the lineart based on my fem!su


Collaboration with the awesome @cypii, who drew the lineart based on my fem!supernatural!characters. I enjoyed colouring this sooooooo much.

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thebritishteapot: Season 8 illustration preview.It’s finished!!! Another entry for the WS/WD Artbook


Season 8 illustration preview.

It’s finished!!! Another entry for the WS/WD Artbook. This is my fem!verse :)

More wips here!

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