#feminism keep

inkdefense:prokopetz:theconcealedweapon:billybatsonandjameshowlettsbro:What you see here is inkdefense:prokopetz:theconcealedweapon:billybatsonandjameshowlettsbro:What you see here is





What you see here is the classic self depreciating “nice guy” how dare a woman and her friends dress up all nice and go out to have fun with their friends without giving you, a complete stranger, any play. How dare women dress up and have a good time for themselves and not dress up and slink around for your enjoyment. “Its to feel fucking superior” Well I know its surprising, but chicks don’t always go out clubbing in the hopes of getting sexual action. Maybe they are not attracted to the opposite sex? But that doesn’t matter to you because you think that if you go up to a woman and ask her to dance like “a gentleman” then she is required to grind on you like there is no tomorrow. 

valid reasons for a woman to dress up and go out but reject you:

1. She already has a partner, and just wants to have fun with her friends.

2. She just broke up with her partner and doesn’t want to meet anyone right now.

3. She’s lesbian, asexual, or otherwise not attracted to men.

4. She enjoys fucking random strangers, but not you.

5. She enjoys meeting new people, but you’re a total creep.

6. Literally anything else.

Plus, just think about the reasoning on display in that image. The fact that she spent a lot of money on her outfit and makeup establishes that sheowesyou something? That’s like arguing that an artist ought to pay you because you looked at her work. It’s Bizarro World logic. I’m not being hyperbolic there; that is literally how logic works on Bizarro World.

basically anything women do, there are men who want to own it, control it

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tellychan:justplainsomething:nakedsasquatch:lanawhatever:nakedsasquatch it’s ya manOkay butellychan:justplainsomething:nakedsasquatch:lanawhatever:nakedsasquatch it’s ya manOkay butellychan:justplainsomething:nakedsasquatch:lanawhatever:nakedsasquatch it’s ya manOkay bu





nakedsasquatch it’s ya man

Okay but seriously folks - as often as I joke about this movie stirs my loins and as weirdly popular as this text post got a while back, I wanna rap with you all about why the George of the Jungle remake is a pretty important piece of cinema.

It’s literally the only movie I can think of that is based completely around the unheard of “FEMALE gaze.” Granted, while I’m a huge movie buff I’ve not seen every movie ever made. But even so, even if there’s another example of the “female gaze” in cinema that has escaped me it’s still damn impressive that a kids movie from 1997 based on a Jay Ward cartoon from the 60’s managed to turn gender representation in media on it’s fucking ass!

First things first, let’s look at our leading lady and love interest - Ursula, played by Leslie Mann.image

Let me just say that while Leslie Mann is adorable and a talented actress, she does look a little less conventional and a little more plain compared to the bombshells that Hollywood likes to churn out. Leslie, in comparison, looks much more like a real women you’d meet on the street. She dresses pretty conservatively and plain throughout the film ; Wearing outfits that are more functional than fashionable for trekking through the jungle, pulling her hair back and so forth. Not that if she was dolled up and more scantily clad it would give her character any less integrity, but can we appreciate how RARE that is in the male dominated industry of film? Just think about all the roads a film about a woman in the jungle COULD have taken but didn’t - no scenes with her clothes strategically ripped or anything! You can say this is a kids movie, intended for children and that’s why the sensuality of the female lead is so downplayed but there are PLENTY of kids movies that handle women in a very objectifying and sexualized manner despite the target audience is pre-pubescent. Like, a disgusting amount. So I don’t think “it’s a kids movie” is why the film doesn’t take ANY, let alone EVERY, opportunity to showcase the main female character’s sex appeal…

…especially considering the sex appeal of the film rests squarely on the well defined shoulders of our male lead, George of the Jungle played by Brendan Fraser in the best god damn shape of his life!


*Homer Simpson Drooling Noises*


Whenever members of the reddit community try to compare the sexualization of women in fiction to the design of characters such as Batman and Superman, I always want to just sit them down and show them this movie. Because THIS is what the female sexual fantasy looks like, and Batman and Superman are male power-fantasies. Look at him - his big blue eyes, his soft hair, his lean, chiseled physique built for dexterity rather than power. He’s wild and free, but gentle. It’s like he fell right out of that steamy romance novel your mom tried to hide from you growing up.


Hell, the whole plot seems to be designed around how damn hot he is! First, for the majority of the film, he wears only a small strip of cloth to cover the dick balls and ass. Everything else is FAIR GAME to drool over for 40 minutes. Then, after he meets Ursula she takes him with her to San Francisco just so we can enjoy him in a well-tailored suit (as seen in the gif set), running around in an open and billowy shirt along side horses while Ursula and all of her friends literally crowd around and make sexual comments about him, and my personal favorite, ditch the loincloth entirely and have him walk around naked while covering his man-bits with various objects while one of Ursula’s very lucky friends oogles him and makes a joke along the lines of “So THAT’S why they call him the ‘KING of the Jungle’…”


And yes, it’s also a very cute and funny little movie. Out of all the movies based on Jay Ward cartoons, it was the most faithful to the fast-paced humor and wit of the original source material (yes even the new Peabody and Sherman movie which honestly I thought was too cutesy-poo.) But that’s not why this movie is popular with the gay community or why we all became women in 1997. It’s just really cool that there’s a film out there where the sensuality of the female form takes a back seat for the oiled up, chiseled, physique of Brendan Fraser (in his prime that is)image

One thing to add: in the scene mentioned above where the ladies are watching him in the billowy shirt running with the horses, it pans back to about 50 feet away to two guys in suits at this party looking at the women and one of the guys says, “Man, what is it with women and horses?” So not only does this movie highlight the female gaze, but it blatantly points out that western male sensibilities don’t have a clue what actually appeals to women.

Can I just reblog this a thousand times?!

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percentage of rape victims (source):

women: 91%

men: 9% 

median salary (source):

women: $17,629

male: $30,514

victims of domestic violence (source):

women: 85%

men: 15%

people murdered by their significant other (source):

women: 75%

men: 25%

those darn privileged females




Why is it always guys that look like that too.


  • The main culprit to blame for there being more homeless men than women is a lack of adequate welfare programs, accessible mental healthcare, and veterans services, since veterans are more likely to suffer from mental health disorders and are overwhelmingly male and more likely to come from lower socio-economic backgrounds. 
  • The main culprit to blame for there being more female college students than male ones is that women have less job opportunities than men, so college has become more of a prerequisite for finding a stable and comfortable career and income than for men, who are paid better for the same job and have more career opportunities available to them with less training.
  • The main culprit to blame for women having a longer life expectancy than men is mainly a combination of biology (women tend to be more iron deficient than men, which is actually better for cell regeneration) and life choices (men are more likely to smoke cigarettes and eat high-cholesterol foods for example)
  • And, as previously stated above, there are more gender-specific shelters for women because women are over 5 times more likely to experience domestic violence than men are.

So yeah.  There’s that.

Also, that lip piercing looks like a leech is boring into your face.

Tell em’ ! If you’re going to be blatantly sexist at least acknowledge men’s roles in women’s torment and why even when more of us go to college we still earn less and have less long term security than our male counterparts.

The thing about the women’s shelters whinging that really gets me is, like, women BUILT THESE SHELTERS FOR OURSELVES because we NEEDED them, no one GAVE them to us, abused women BUILT THEM, they didn’t just exist independently throughout all time as a special luxury for women created by the universe. If men think they need gender specific shelters so bad, WHY DO THEY EXPECT WOMEN TO BUILD THEM FOR THEM??? WHY CAN’T THEY DO IT??

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sixpenceee:Powerful ad.  Every country in the world should start making ads like these.  Original sixpenceee:Powerful ad.  Every country in the world should start making ads like these.  Original sixpenceee:Powerful ad.  Every country in the world should start making ads like these.  Original sixpenceee:Powerful ad.  Every country in the world should start making ads like these.  Original sixpenceee:Powerful ad.  Every country in the world should start making ads like these.  Original sixpenceee:Powerful ad.  Every country in the world should start making ads like these.  Original sixpenceee:Powerful ad.  Every country in the world should start making ads like these.  Original sixpenceee:Powerful ad.  Every country in the world should start making ads like these.  Original sixpenceee:Powerful ad.  Every country in the world should start making ads like these.  Original


Powerful ad. 

Every country in the world should start making ads like these. 

Original Video

For an Indian ad about women, virginity and 2nd marriage 

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skylarklanding: bikiniarmorbattledamage:capriceandwhimsy:lycklighypokonder:this picture is mak





this picture is making me really angry

can someone more eloquent than I am please comment with a list of badass female warriors/soldiers in history because i know there have been quite a lot

Tomoe Gozen. 12th Century Japan. Concubine of Minamoto no Yoshinaka, and one of his most famous warriors, called a Demon in Battle and renowned as a swordswoman and archer. Was ordered to flee the final destruction of the Minamoto Clan at the end of the Genpei War by her Lord. While leaving the battlefield, encountered a group of enemy soldiers: rode straight into their formation, pulled their leader out of his saddle, pinned him against her horse, and took his head. She then vanishes from history, never to be heard from again.

Queen Boudicca. Britain, first Century AD. Queen of the Iceni tribe of Celts. After her daughters were raped and she was flogged and humiliated by Roman soldiers, led the Iceni and other tribes of Britain in revolt, leading to the deaths of tens of thousands of Roman soldiers and a near-rout from the British peninsula. Was finally defeated by the Roman general Suetonius, and committed suicide to avoid capture. Is probably the only woman to have her statue in a city she burned to the ground (London).

Princess Zhao Pingyang. 7th Century China. Daughter of Emperor Gaozu. Raised an army on his behalf and led them into battle. Was given full military honors upon her death: one of the only women so honored in Medieval China.


Queen Suryothai, 16th Century Siam (Thailand). Fought in single combat against a Burmese Viceroy, sacrificing herself to save the life of her husband and King.


Aethelflaed of Mercia. 10th Century Britain. Well known for her skills as a tactician and for building many of the castles in Mercia that still stand to this day.


Khawlah bint al-Azwar. 7th Century Arabia, a contemporary of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). Once rallied a group of female prisoners into defeating their Byzantine captors using their tent poles. The namesake of the UAE’s first women’s military college.


Finally, let me tell you about what the women were doing while the men were out in some cold, wet field, having their bodies hacked at with swords and axes. They weren’t sitting around a hearth gossiping with their friends. While the men were out fighting, the women were working the fields every day, bringing in the harvests, slaughtering animals, butchering, preserving meat, working their goddamn asses. off. They kept the houses secure. They repaired roofs and spun wool into thread and wove thread into cloth: difficult work today, backbreaking in medieval times. Often times, they did these things while pregnant or raising small children.

They faced disease, starvation, and the constant threat of having some band of raiders come in and rape, pillage, plunder, and slaughter them while their menfolk were off fighting in war. Medieval women, even those who did not fight, were hard, determined, and skilled experts in the arts of survival, farming, weaving, spinning, and motherhood who engaged in backbreaking labor that often killed them at a young age, and they deserve better than to have some adolescent-minded asshole sitting in his warm, comfortable first-world home rant about “feminine privilege.”

So fuck you, original poster. I hope you step on a LEGO.

Did my best to fix it


You’d think someone who lives so detached from reality would give fantasy artists and writers more credit… 

- wincenworks

Adding the link one commenter left for more examples: http://www.lothene.org/others/women.html

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commandercait: This is the same man.commandercait: This is the same man.


This is the same man.

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pag-asaharibon:not-your-asian-fantasy:Early Feminism in the PhilippinesThe Philippines has been



Early Feminism in the Philippines

The Philippines has been noted as having one of the smallest gender disparities in the world. The gender gap has been closed in both health and education; the country has had two female presidents (Corazon Aquino from 1986-1992 and Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo from 2001-2010); and had its first woman Supreme Court justice (Cecilia Muñoz Palma in 1973) before the United States had one (Sandra Day O’Connor in 1981). These achievements reflect a long history of efforts by women to involve themselves equally in governance as well as in society.

I was expecting a little bit more from the post and was suprised a few of these Filipinas were left out:

  • Gabriela Silang a revolutionary – a representation of female bravery – who fought against Spanish colonialism in the 18th century. Silang was a contrast to the chaste and religiously devout image of the Filipino lady as portrayed by Jose Rizal through his Spanish-language novels, Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo
  • Clemencia Lopez became the first Filipino to enter the White House and the first to testify before a U.S. Senate hearing as a representative of her subjugated people.
  • Sofia Reyes de Veyra an educator, social worker and first secretary and co-founder (with Mary E. Coleman) of Asociacion Feminista Filipina, the first women’s club in the Philippines. Its establishment in June 1905 marked the start of the Feminist Movement in the country. She also organized the Manila Women’s Club which later became the nucleus of the National Federation of Women’s Clubs. This federation was in the forefront of the campaign to give women the right to vote and other rights. The women of the Philippines won these rights in 1931.
  • Dr. Carol Pagaduan-Araullo an UP cum laude graduate, medical doctor, 2012 UP Distinguished Alumni awardee and Bagong Alyansang Makabayan (BAYAN) chairperson. While Dr. Araullo was UP Student Council vice chairman and an activist imprisoned for opposing martial law.

Unabridged version of Hercules, California Councilmember Myrna de Vera’s speech, delivered during the 2012 Filipina Women’s Network’s 100 Most Influential Filipina Women of the US

Philippines was ranked 3rd highest in Asia Pacific region for gender equality according to the Worldwide Index of Women’s Advancement report released by global financial firm MasterCard. Yet there’s still PH laws that are unfair to women.



chidtalk’s recommendations

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geekygothgirl:The original is good, the comment is STUNNING. Love it!


The original is good, the comment is STUNNING. Love it!

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