#femme chercheure


Colonial ethnography was at the heart of the 40th edition of Festival Jean Rouch, a pioneering academic who spent his life rewriting some parts of the African history through his lenses.

Viewing ancient Africans from the early 20th century “playing” the indigenous roles assigned to them by the various European videographers of those days, informed the power relationships colonialism had installed through military actions.

Staging indigeneity was common practice among European explorers and researchers in humanities.

To this day the African colonial storytelling has been misguided also because of this propaganda surrounding the creation of the numerous myths shaping the “European perception of Africa and its inhabitants”

Cette semaine du 40ème Festival International Jean Rouch, un des africanistes universitaires precuseurs de la video ethnographique en Afrique coloniale, le plus en vue; fut remarquable en terme de diffusion de contenus datant de 120 ans et plus.

L'expedition Griaule de Dakar vers Djibouti dans les annees 30 ainsi que son bateau-laboratoire 20 ans plus tard ont contribue avec le recul actuel au remaniement de la narration coloniale; en sciences humaines mais aussi en compréhension du paradigme de propagande pre-independances.
