#femslash subtext


Fight It Out (Diana Prince x Barbara Minerva)

Video: Wonder Woman 1984

Audio: Pat Benatar 

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Photosensitivity warning: heavy stuttering and flashing effects 0:20-0:26 and 2:20-2:42

Premiered at (virtual) wiscon_vidparty, 30 May 2021. Xposted at AO3.

Deepest thanks to metatxt for everything, starting with the song. And to chaila and beccatoria, my Wonder Woman mentors who helped talk this through.

We waited so long for this movie! Many things about it delighted me; some things were tiresome or downright inexcusable. It wasn’t really the movie I wanted (the one with a lot less about Max and Steve and a lot more about Diana and Barbara – friends, lovers, mirrors, foes). So I made this vid to fix it.

When Barbara wishes herself into Diana’s powers, she becomes Diana’s perfect foil. They experience the same reality – most significantly sexism, here – but choose different (perhaps equally valid and equally sad) ways of responding to it. I’ve said before that one of the superpowers bequeathed on Diana by her origins is that she grew up outside of patriarchy, so she has an ability to not lose herself in it. The consequences of Barbara’s wish show us something profound about what Diana achieves and what Diana sacrifices. “Fight it out with your heart.”
