#fenton parents


YJ/DP Crossover 15

Danny stared up at the looming brick house in front of him. It seemed nothing like he remembered it, and yet it was exactly the same.

He looked down at the memory container Vlad gave him.

“M’gann? Can you do me a favor?” Danny asked without looking up.

“Sure, what is it?” M’gann asked as she floated forward.

“Can you… look into their minds? Tell me if they’re happy?”

M’gann looked confused for a second, glancing back to the team, only to get clueless shrugs in return.


M’gann rose a bit in the air, holding out her hands and allowing her eyes to glow.

“They’re…. watching a movie…. It’s something about… fudge?” M’gann’s eyes scrunched and the glow faded as she lowered her hands, “Yes, they seem happy. Why did you want me to look?”

“I don’t think I can do this. Tell them, I mean.”

“Are you scared of them? Do we need to-?“ Robin started, looking pointedly at the ‘Fenton Ghost Hunters’ sign above them.

“No!” Phantom said immediately with a frantic wave of his hands, “No, nothing like that. I know that they’d accept me. I’ve seen them do it again and again in parallel universes and timelines. That’s not the problem.”

“I’m sorry you’ve what?” Wally said, then flinched when Artemis elbowed him.

“Not the time, Baywatch.”

“So then what is the problem, Phantom? You are their son, surely there is nothing to be worried about,” Aqualad said.

Danny sighed, “I know it’s bad that Vlad took their memory of me but… How can I make them remember me, just to tell them their only son is dead?” Danny looked up for a moment, “How could I do that to them?” He dropped his gaze again.

“Phantom, they are your parents. Of course they want you in their lives.”

“But I wouldn’t be. You heard M’gann, they’re happy like this. Thinking they only have one kid, who’s safe away at college.. How could I make them worry about me, knowing that even when I come back from missions, even when I am here, I’m not even alive anymore?” Phantom shook his head, “No. I can’t do that to them. I’d be haunting them. It wouldn’t be a blessing, it’d be a nightmare.”

Artemis looked at the others of the team, all speechless and contemplative. She stepped forward, “It’s your decision, Danny. We’re not going to force you to do anything. Whatever you decide.”

Danny lowered the memory box and turned away from the house, “I’m a ghost now, guys. Ghosts don’t have families.” He walked towards the camouflaged Bioship.

Danny paused and looked back when a hand was set on his shoulder, it was Kid Flash.

“No matter what man, you’ve got us. And we’re a family all on our own,” Wally said with a bright smile. Danny saw the rest of the team nodding behind him as well.

“Of course, Wally,” He gave a soft smile back, “How could I forget that?”

And as the Bioship flies away, Danny catches one last glimpse of two bright jumpsuits running outside with glowing scanners looking around frantically. Soon enough they are no more visible than a couple of trees.

“Goodbye Mom. Bye, Dad.”


When they get back to the Cave in Happy Harbor, Batman orders a full debrief.

Only problem?

He wants it on the Watchtower. Apparently a few of the other leaguers had been brought into the discussion. And a few more were part of the newly ongoing investigation into the GIW.

This included John Constantine as an expert on paranormal entities and laws. Batman would do whatever he could to keep that man contained to one league base at a time.

The only reason having this debrief on the Watchtower was an issue at all was because of the Zeta Tubes.

Mainly that Danny had taken three steps towards them before freezing in place -literally- and going oddly translucent.

His face paled and his eyes glazed as he backed up, eyeing the Zeta with warily flickering eyes.

“Phant-Danny? What’s wrong?”

“I- the portal- I can’t- it looks like-“ A caged look of panic flits across Danny’s face.

“Looks like what?” Batman rumbles.

“It looks like the portal that killed me,” Danny is shaking now, legs gone and spectral tail jittering below him.

“What portal-?”

And I hate to say this guys, but this Fic is officially moving off of Tumblr.

Read any (future, past or present) chapters here on Ao3: Including the rest of this chapter!

But there is simply not enough engagement on here for me to keep posting it as an individual. Don’t worry, it’s not getting discontinued, I’m just only gonna post it in one place. I think most of y'all are reading it on Ao3 by now anyways.

I’m not gonna take down past uploads though, just not gonna make new ones for every chapter. Have fun and hope you enjoy the new chapter!
