#fetish photo

His earlier works in the late 90s. Shooting at a design studio in Roppongi, Tokyo. Hommage to classiHis earlier works in the late 90s. Shooting at a design studio in Roppongi, Tokyo. Hommage to classiHis earlier works in the late 90s. Shooting at a design studio in Roppongi, Tokyo. Hommage to classi

His earlier works in the late 90s. Shooting at a design studio in Roppongi, Tokyo.
Hommage to classical bondage bizarre art by Kazuki Suzuki. Collaboration with a bondage fashion designer, Yukiko and two very beautiful models. The gorgeous corset and the beautiful shaped long PVC dress were professional results.

Camera / MAMIYA 645 pro
Lighting / SUNSTAR Strobo mini 1200
Black and white film / ILFORD DELTA 100
Developer / KODAK HC-110
Photographic Paper / ILFORD Multigrade RC Deluxe 1M Glossy
Scanner / EPSON GT-9800F

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