#ff15 x reader



My birthday is on Dec.10th! I’m gonna be 23 years old. YAY I LIVED. I thought about giving up but I’m super happy I didn’t and if you didn’t hear it today

You are rich, you are that bitch, and take his money, sis.




You sat by the docs, kicking your feet in the water. You admired the ripples each little movement made in the otherwise still lake. It was the first time in a while you had gotten to bask in the silence. With those assholes always causing trouble you could barely use the bathroom without an incident. 

“I thought I’d find you out here.”

You looked behind you to see Ignis walking up to you. In the distance you could see the Prompto passed out, hugging a rock. Gladio, with his feet sticking out of a tent and Noctis nowhere to be found. Probably went fishing or something.

“I’d rather be here than dealing with whatever those idiots did to piss off Gladiolus.” you scoffed. “As long as they stay out of my shit I don’t care.”

Ignis gave a low laugh. “Would you mind the company?”

You looked up at him. He had rid himself of his gloves and blazer. It made sense, too. It was way too hot outside. With a shy smile, you scooted over, patting the spot next to you. 

With a kind smile, Ignis sat down. You watched as he yanked off his boots and rolled up the legs of his pants so he could dip his toes in the water. You gazed into the distance, feeling your self relax.

“Is everything alright, Y/N?”

“Huh?” you got out of your daze and looked at Ignis who looked concerned.

“You seem off. I hope all is well.”

“I’ll be honest. I’d much rather be dancing in the ballrooms of the palace than be here camping.” you scoffed. “However I don’t miss those god awful gowns his highness insist I wear.” you laughed.

“I think you look rather…beautiful in your gowns Y/N.”

“Huh?” you probably looked and sounded like an idiot. 

“Yes. Beautiful, graceful. You don’t know it, but your fighting style involves a lot of sway. I sometimes imagine you fighting in your gowns. You’d look so graceful, so…magical.” he smiled. “You don’t realize it. Y/N.”

You couldn’t help but admired his pale face under the moonlight. It made you curious.


“Yes, Y/N.”

“Feel free to say no but…I’ve been curious to know…what you look like without glasses.” you trailed off. 

Ignis seemed to laugh at this. He slowly lifted his fingertips to the rim of his glasses and slipped them off his face. 


“Am I that unattractive?” he joked.

“N-no!….Y-you’re eyes. I never knew they were that shade of green…they’re beautiful.” You whispered. “You’re beautiful. “ you emphasized.

“Y/N…my face pales in comparison to your charms.” he tilted his fingertips under your chin. 

“I never asked, can you actually see without them?”

“My vision is passable, but I prefer my world crystal clear…but if I get closer…I can see you just fine.” he whispered. “Y/N, you can say you have a crush on me now…I’ve always known.”

“You w-wha?”

“Noctis told me, then Gladiolus told me… and I didn’t believe it until Prompto showed me a recording of you talking to him. I guess you didn’t realize he was recording but I heard every single word. To know you could have felt that way about me? A lowly cook.” he laughed like he couldn’t believe it. “I really want to kiss you…”

You were processing everything he said. You were more mad at those assholes for telling him without your permission. 

“Y/N? You can respond now.” he giggled. 

“U-um…You can kiss me if you want…” you dumbly said, as if he hadn’t already said it.

“Come here.” he abruptly crashed his mouth over yours. He had moved his hand to cup your cheek in his warm palm. To say you were blown away was an understatement. You couldn’t stop yourself from grabbing his collar just to stay vertical.

“Y/N, you taste so…fucking good.” he silently cursed to himself. “I’ve wanted to kiss you for so long.” he groaned.

You felt like the world was upside down. You couldn’t help but moan softly against his touch. You pulled away absolutely breathless. “You’re so adorable, Y/N.”

“Ignis!” you yelped as you felt his lips kiss your cheeks, your jawline. “What are you-”

“I’m afraid we can’t do much, but for now-” he ran his warm tongue along the shell of your ear. “I want you to feel my love for you, Y/N.”

He gently pressed his lips over yours again, this time wrapping his arms around your shaking body.  It would have been fine, had the sound of yelping and wolf-whistles not burst through your ear drums. The both of you jumped apart to find the other boys standing there.

“Lookie here!” Noctis laughed.

“You finally made a move man!” Prompto cheered.

“It’s about time!” Gladio scoffed.

“…You take Noctis, I kill Prompto, then we take down Gladio together?”

“Sounds reasonable, love.”


“Uh oh” “We were joking!” “Now would be a good time to run.”
