#ffxiii lightning


Since Lightning seemed very familiar with Caius in the opening but shocked by some of his attacks when they started fighting, I would wager that she only knew of him because he had to pass through Valhalla to lay Yeul’s soul to rest each time the girl died so that the cycle of reincarnation could continue. Lightning’s reactions and Caius’ words tell me that they hadn’t ever fought one another before the opening.

But Caius also knew of her. He called her out the second he was on shore. So, does that mean she tried to talk him out of his plan once it began to take shape? Did Lightning watch as Caius brought Yeul after Yeul to the waters of Valhalla for reincarnation? 

She may not have; in fact, I am pretty sure that she didn’t. She likely just saw everything through the Eyes of Etro upon meeting the dying Goddess, but this idea is so interesting to me….and sets up some pretty nice fanfic ideas…
