#fic empty halls to echo


Empty Halls to Echo - Billy Russo x OC

This is a short series that will be 5 parts in total. It will be updated with links to each part once they’re posted. Please heed the warnings.

Empty Halls to Echo


Pairing: Billy Russo x OC

Series summary: Billy has to take the stairs. He finds something unexpected.

Warnings:Obsession. Stalking. Violence. Swearing. Implied toxic relationship. Murder. Dark fic.

Part 1

Part 2


Billy Russo tag: @profoundme444

Empty Halls to Echo - Part 2

Title:Empty Halls to Echo - Part 2
Pairing: Billy Russo x OC
Warnings: Stalking. Obsession. Suggested non-consensual voyeurism.
Summary:It’s not enough for him to just know who she is…


Being the CEO has its perks…like being able to kick people out of the security room so he can look through the footage and put a face to the voice. 

It doesn’t take long. 

He sees her run from the stairwell, before she slows her pace, fixes her outfit and turns a corner, sitting at one of the desks. That’s why he didn’t find her when he got to the floor. She was already seated, back to work and facing away from him so he couldn’t see the expression on her face. 

He switches cameras. 

She’s pretty from what he can make out. The camera doesn’t give him a clear enough picture. It also does not help that she’s looking down, typing something quickly and looking very much like she hasn’t left him distracted and wanting more. 

He pulls up her employment records. Grace Joshi. Finally a name for the face and the voice that’s haunted him since he’s heard it. She hasn’t been with them long, working as a temp to fill in an admin position. Her background check came back clean. A series of small jobs and a community college diploma for some smaller town upstate he’s never heard of. He leans back in his chair, watching her on the security camera and starts to plan. 

The first thing he does is leave a small crown on her desk. A signal to tell her he knows who she is. He misses when she finds it and what her reaction is. It irritates him. Still, he continues. 

They’re just small trinkets. He doesn’t leave them every day, there’s no fun in that, but he has been catering them around the theme of royalty. After all, she sang of being king. He takes the stairs more when he’s not walking with others, trying to catch her singing again. After a series of failed attempts, he makes the next move…and arranges to meet her. 

Billy waits until he’s walking with his assistant, going over the list of new recruits before he leads them to go past her desk. He pauses as though he’s just realized something and turns to her. “You’re new, aren’t you?” 

“Um, yes?” 

He grins at the hesitation he hears in her voice. It’s cute. He offers her his hand. “Billy Russo. CEO.” 

“Grace,” she says. “Joshi.” 

“Nice to meet you Grace,” he says, thumb stroking the skin of the back of her hand before he pulls back. “Welcome to Anvil.”

“Um, thank you, sir,” she squeaks the last word slightly. She fidgets slightly as he looks at her. Her shyness is not surprising, he remembers how she ran when he called to her on the stairs, but it is endearing. He wants to know what other sounds she can make. 

He nods and continues on, shoving down the urge to touch her again. Despite all desire, he doesn’t ask her about her singing. He doesn’t want her to run from him again, even if he’s curious to see her reaction. 

He can’t keep himself away. Despite their limited interactions, he finds himself watching the security cameras. He sneaks into the stairwell when he catches her heading for it, a little desperate to hear her singing again. Each time is a different song and every one seems to strike at him. He leaves more gifts, small trinkets but each one maintains the theme. A signal that it’s him, that they’re all from the same person. She never looks disturbed when she finds them. Just quietly amused like she knows. She doesn’t ask though whenever he crosses her path. She glances past him as if she is unaware of the effect she has on him. It drives him a little crazy but he can’t help but enjoy the thrill of the chase. 

He doesn’t see her enough at work, doesn’t get to interact with her more than that single meeting. 

So he plants cameras and bugs in her apartment. It’s not hard to find it or to ensure that she’ll be kept busy so that he won’t need to worry about being interrupted. Billy has no qualms about putting one in her bedroom and living room. He’s curious to find out what she’s like at home, what she does when she thinks no one is watching. 

He sets it up so he’s able to access the feeds on his phone and laptop. The first time he watches it is the same night it’s set up. She goes through the motions, cooking dinner and dancing around the room. He can hear her as she hums along to music. His mouth goes slightly dry as she dances along, body swaying subtly, light gleaming off of her muscles and curves. 

He watches her every chance he gets. He still hasn’t caught her singing at home and something in him aches. He wants to hear it, hear her voice calling only for him like a siren of old. He keeps the screens showing her apartment running when there is no one around. He watches her at home when he is, sometimes matching her routine simply for his own amusement. 

Like tonight. Tonight he watches as she cooks, keeping an eye on the screen as he gets food ready for himself. He watches as she eats while watching TV. At this rate, her life looks incredibly boring, at least to him. Billy begins to fantasize about how he’s going to change it. Bring more excitement into her life. Take her out. 

The ideas die down as he gets distracted when she heads into her bedroom. It seems early for going to sleep, but his eyes are fixed on his laptop as she starts to undress, hardly breathing as each new inch of skin was revealed.  He was never one to get hot and bothered by a little strip tease. It must be the taboo of watching Grace without her knowledge or permission.

She wanders around her room without a care and he leans forward, almost as if he can get closer if he could just see her better or catch the scent of her perfume.

He is transfixed with the movement of her breasts, the sway of her hips. She doesn’t get dressed. She pulls back her covers and lies down on her bed. He watches as she doesn’t bury herself in the blankets. Instead, she leaves herself open for his view. Billy leans back, adjusting and unbuttoning his pants. Just to relieve the tension. 

She reaches over and pulls something from her bedside table. Billy smirks to himself as he realizes she’s really about to give him a show. He can’t tear his eyes away and if he turns up the volume…well, it’s not like anyone’s going to know.  


Billy Russo tag: @profoundme444
