


These Four Walls (Bruce Wayne x Reader) Drabble

Okay, so I said I wasn’t going to do it (add another fandom). But here I am less than 24 hours later. I couldn’t help myself. He just makes such a good Batman.

Summary : Just a very small drabble about an early morning moment

Word count : 385

Warnings : A smidge of angst.

A/N: Please feel free to send me a message/comment/ask, I would love to know what you think.

If you like this, please feel free to visit my blog and take a look around!

Your sigh came silently, though its volume rang loud in your head. Even as he slept, darkness haunted the valleys beneath his eyes, its effects drawing all the colour from his beautiful features. Somewhere in the foggy haze of your mind, you remembered him slipping into the bed beside you, his strong arms pulling your back against his chest, as the soft light of dawn peeked through the sides of the blinds. With the knowledge of his safe return and the comfort of his warm embrace, you drifted back off to the sound of his quiet rhythmic snores. A sound you had strangely grown to cherish since the moment his nighttime escapades had begun.

He looked so peaceful. Your fingertips fought the urge to reach out and brush his cheek, but you didn’t, he needed his sleep. He would always need his sleep. And you knew the moment you tried to sneak your way from the bed, his eyes would open; tired and drained and consumed with unfounded guilt. Guilt for not giving you the time he believed you deserved. You knew him. Knew him inside out. In his mind, his efforts were never enough, and your heart ached for him. Unwillingly, an audible sigh escaped your lips, the tiny sound stirring him from his slumber. Two gentle guilt-ridden eyes opened and settled upon your face, his features softened by a tired smile, “Hmmm, good morning.”

Reaching across, he grabbed at your waist, pulling you against him, your lips connecting with a fresh bruise at the edge of his jaw, “You, my love, should still be sleeping.”

Nestling your head into his chest, his hand ran up along your side, settling at the nape of your neck, his voice rough and husky with fatigue, “I’m fine.” Reaching down, he kissed the top of your head, and asked, “What are we going to do today?”

You looked up at him as he desperately tried, yet hopelessly failed, to hide the exhaustion evident in every cell of his body, the sight magnifying the ache in your heart. Losing your fingers amongst his hair, your guided his mouth to yours. And when you finally surfaced for air, you answered, “Nothing, my love. Absolutely nothing. Today the world doesn’t exist. It’s just you and me. Here… inside these four walls.”

I really benefitted from being awake early today! This was so nice to read over my morning coffee. This drabble is so sweet and angsty and I just love it!! ❤️
