#fiction time


“Get out!”

Ashton scoffed and put the fresh towel down on the counter, not bothered the slightest by the fact that you were currently sitting in the bathtub, naked and only covered by bubbles.

“Relax, it’s just a towel,” his eyes bore into yours as he leaned against the doorframe, and you tried to be as small as possible, painfully aware what one wrong move can do.

Ashton sighed heavily as he pushed away from the door and came closer, crouching down next to the tub, eyes still looking at only your face. He crossed his arms and rested them on the edge, fingers dangling into the water, fingertips swirling the bubbles around next to your knee.

“I don’t know what they’ve told you… but you gotta believe me: I’m not the bad guy here,” there was something in his eyes, something strange but familiar, yet it still made you uneasy. “You know me.”

“Do I?” you whispered, gaze dropping down. “8 years passed and you just… just fell back into my life, out of nowhere, and they tell me you are…”

You couldn’t finish, you felt your throat hurting, not being able to form words, the thought of Ashton being someone other than the person you knew was making you terrified. He flicked his wrist, droplets of water flying towards you as he sighed again, standing up and drying his wet hand on his dark jeans.

“Believe what you want,” he stepped out of the room, pulling the door closed behind his back. “But you gotta stay with me. They might say I’m dangerous, but trust me: there are worse monsters than me out there, all hunting for you.”
