#ficto positivity



bedtime cuddles with your f/o

packed with tender fluff <3

  • its late and the outside is quiet, you rest your head against their chest and listen to the sound of their heartbeat and breath
  • its slow and even and makes you feel warm. really, no matter where you were, cuddling close to them gave you a sense of safety and security like no other. no one could touch you when you were in their arms
  • with a deep breath in, their scent flooded your senses. whether it was sour or sweet, floral or fresh, you wanted to sink into it more than anything
  • you never felt the urge to shift or readjust against them, the position was perfect; not to mention you fit like a glove in the arch of their torso and the dip of their shoulder
  • as you’re resting together, their hand comes up to pet your hair, gently running through each strand
  • the tender fingertips brushing across your head send a few chills down your spine, but the sensation is nothing short of lovely
  • as long as it was them, their touch, their scent, their warmth; there was nothing you couldn’t love when all they were giving you was love
  • in this special moment, the both of you were untouchable
  • it felt as though it would last forever, and as you fell asleep your dreams would be full of warmth and safety, and when you woke up, they would be there for you. ready to fall in love with you all over again