#fields of vesuvia


Ayyy I’m no longer in the mountainous region of Capiz so guess who gets to post finally

This is my piece for @thecardsimagine

The exchange was organized by @fieldsofvesuvia and I can’t thank them enough for their time and effort the put into creating something fun for the Arcana community here, seriously, thank you!

“We’ll build our own home.”It was so fun to draw @sweetteethsystem‘s amazing apprentice, Elwen, with“We’ll build our own home.”It was so fun to draw @sweetteethsystem‘s amazing apprentice, Elwen, with

“We’ll build our own home.”

It was so fun to draw @sweetteethsystem‘s amazing apprentice, Elwen, with his magical lover Asra, among bright chrysanthemums (and a little white clover)! (Elwen is so cute!)

The@fieldsofvesuvia gift exchange was so wonderful, and I loved painting this piece!

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