#fifth tag


I was tagged by @misseffect:D

Rules: tag a few people you’d like to get to know better or catch up with, and add three bonus questions for them to answer.

​Favourite colour:purple!

Last song: when I saw I’d been tagged I think it was Whispers in the Dark by Monsta X

Currently reading: Seule au Nouveau Monde by Maxine Trottier and an electronics textbook from college I ended up not needing (but my parents insisted I buy instead of rent before we found out the syllabus was changing :’) )

Last movie / TV show: Venom 1 <3

Sweet, savoury or spicy: s a v o u r y

Currently working on: Still poking away at the mshep version of Peregrinethose same pronouns sure can hurted


Your favorite item of clothing: I’m gonna say my Thorin sweater, but i wear another one of my hoodies that’s also dark blue but oversized more often because my Thorin one is Special and i don’t want to be washing it all the time.

The last thing you bought: I ordered some glasses online! I’m working on improving my vision so the reduced prescriptions are very nice since my last pair has started to feel Too Good. Also now that I have weak ones for the computer I don’t need to lean a couple of inches forward to have my computer screen in focus xD And hopefully eventually I’ll be able to go back to not using glasses for the computer but without needing to lean forward.

Your favorite snack: I don’t really snack, but the closest thing I have to a ‘snack food’ is the leftover bits when I render beef fat in a pot - I call them ‘crumbles’ but some languages have actual words for it I believe.

My questions:

Do you let Garrus kill Sidonis?

Any current trends (clothing or otherwise but not including crypto lmao) that you think are Dumb?

If you were to write a book, would it be fiction or nonfiction and what would it be about?

Tagging@albino-pony@weirdponytail@snizabelle@hq92@7yue29 and any of my followers that are INTP or INTJ in MBTI I want to identify y’all xD
