#fiftys a great friend to marshall


Love Is Ǝvil #87

Nicolas is looking forward to the gym date with Marshall. But Marshall ain’t coming.

A quick preview

87: Gangsta. #06

A light drizzle fell on Nicolas’s face as he looked up, the sky was a dark gray and almost menacing. He pulled the gym bag out of the trunk and shouldered it, then he slapped the closed trunk lid twice. The signal for the car to drive off.

But first Alex stuck her head out the window, mouth moving with a grin. Probably attempting a joke about his date but never as good as Worick’s. Nicolas ignored her either way. 

Readjusting his shoulder strap he walked across the parking lot and his eyes scanned the few cars parked here. One of them was Marshall’s black SUV. Nicolas smiled a little, glad they could spend some time together despite the guest at Marshall’s house. Friends took priority, understandably. With light steps Nicolas walked down the few steps to the gym’s entrance, occupying the basement of the building. 

The inside was bright and reflective, a stark contrast to the dreariness outside. Mirrors adorned every wall, made the room seem simultaneously more spacious and more narrow than it truly was. For Nicolas it felt a little claustrophobic, always like there were too many people inside and all looking at him through the mirrors. But he usually forgot that as soon as he and Marshall entered the boxing ring. Now Nicolas’s gaze wandered across the room and its many reflections but he didn’t see the small, delicate frame of his boyfriend anywhere.

Boyfriend, what a weird word to use. Not one his personal dictionary had needed before, the two syllables lay heavy on his tongue, his fingertips burned when signing it. The connotations were heavy and he couldn’t care less about any of them, never expected to be living them out. Yet, he had to acknowledge these connotations and the word because his boyfriend …

-continue on Ao3-
