#fight the new drug




onlyfans has really rotted men’s minds into believing its ok to ask any woman for nudes as long as you offer financial compensation in return. the world is not your brothel 

“where prostitution is legal, sexual harassment is seen as a job offer”












hmmm …Stop Internet Sexual Exploitation Act..


i kno i’ve said i was expecting the term to enter into politics. but even this is more cursed than I could have guessed. time to die

very cool and not at all going to fuck up huge swaths of the internet in order to try to get rid of sex work visibility

This is one of those times where government regulation is actually a good thing, and protects people.

Shut the fuck up catholic

Why is this an issue, if sex work is supposed to be real work? All real jobs require that you verify your identity with the employer.

^^^Exactly. If the sex-work-is-real-work-rabble actually gave a damn about those who are in the sex industry then they would be open to…

  • Government regulations, like ensuring that all sex workers are legal adults who are in the industry of their own volition and not the victims of human trafficking, pimping or grooming.
  • Public health oversight (including making condom-use mandatory, with affordable access to all contraceptives, abortions, and other medications & healthcare).
  • Labour union protections.
  • A radical restructuring of police departments’ vice unit that would now protect sex-workers from violent clients and investigate crimes– such as rape, battery and murder– committed against sex-workers, and ensure that all sex workers are legal adults who are in the industry of their own volition and not the victims of human-trafficking, pimping or grooming, and all participants pornographic media (and sexual “transactions") are legal adults who can freely–without fear of retaliation–withdraw consent, safely leave and have any of their videos or photos– even back when they consented– be deleted from all media platforms.
  • Legally prohibiting registered sex offenders and those with a history of domestic violence from attempting to patronize sex workers (ie: background checks prior “transactions").
  • And provide a social service department specifically devoted to helping sex-workers transition out of the sex industry.

And yet all the sex-work-is-real-work-rabble do is fly into histrionics, claiming that any sort of government interference and public health oversight of sex work is “slut-shaming”, “infringing upon freedom of speech” or “literally killing sex-workers"

And copyright protection - no one gets paid off those free videos. If all porn had to be sold, even for a penny, and people had to submit a credit card to see it, it would actually stop kids from accessing porn.

They don’t want this to happen because they know that a majority of videos would get taken down. They care more about getting off then they do about ensuring the safety of women and children so of course they don’t want protections put in place because they’re aware that the amount of content would plumit.

One of the best replies to sex work is work, is that free porn is wage theft and they contribute to it. A tiny fraction of men pay for the porn they watch, which often involves heightened vulnerability and risk of identity disclosure for the performers doing custom cam work and only fans. But if men had to pay one cent on their credit cards for every video they watched, they’d be outraged at the loss of privacy. Let the women lose their privacy, let the women lose their income and risk their possibility of future employment, but no - not the men!

This is why the Nordic model for criminalizing sex buyers works so well, men only act differently when it’s their social standing and criminal record at risk, they don’t cate about women.

Everything on that list would be a positive change. It ensures that everyone in the uploaded media consents to it being shared on the platform, will hopefully confirm the “performers” identites and ages which could protect underage girls and trafficking victims, and gives them the ability to withdraw consent and have the media removed in a timely manner.

If you’re against those protections, you’re fucking evil, actually.


The left be like DO NOT say racist, misogynistic, homophobic shit or you’re a terrible person, BUT you can masturbate to that and you’re actually fine and anyone who criticize you is the real bigot here



How is everything so vulgar and over sexualised but completely sexless and devoid of magnetism and desire….. neutered ass planet

seen this put very well recently: everything is pornographic but nothing is erotic

I invited Karley Sciortino, the beauty & brilliance behind Slutever, to the set of MormonGirlz.c

I invited Karley Sciortino, the beauty & brilliance behind Slutever, to the set of MormonGirlz.com to see how our kinky fantasies get made and to talk about my experiences growing up as a young lesbian and a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. After Karley tried her hand at Mormon porn, she went to Utah to talk to the Mormon legislator waging a war on porn and spoke to people attending a Mormon anti-porn conference. I loved having Karley on set & I love her work for sexual freedom & fulfillment! Watch the piece here: 


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