#filed under announcements idk


hi guys! i’ve not been here for a while. i thought i’d pop in to see what’s up. but i dont know if i’ll be coming back, not for a while at least. a few reasons:
1. i don’t like what this community has become in the past year or so. i don’t feel like it’s a place i want to hang out anymore. maybe that’ll change at some point, but for now i just miss the old lingblr that would make dumb memes and be generally excited about linguistics.
2. i’m a little burnt out. i’m taking a break from research, though not officially, and i’m focusing on a different thing now (though my phd is still very much happening and in progress). we’ll see what happens! 
3. it’s actually been nice to be away and not feel a sense of obligation to post. 

so! i hope you’re all as happy and healthy as possible these days, and that you’re taking care of the people around you and that they’re returning the favour.

bye for now!
