#filipino music scene




Music is a common interest in our family. My parents are frustrated singers and they always do karaoke whenever they can.Even when my father had to leave the Philippines to work abroad, he still managed to send us cassette tapes with him singing on a minus one. And we’d do the same. My mother even bought me a keyboard which I failed to learn how to play. My father sent us a media player, so I could practice singing. I grew up in a family that does music more than we do our prayers. My family’s passion for music is basically the reason why they pushed me to be a singer and compete when I was a kid. 

I try to listen to all sorts of music as much as possible, and I try to nail those 100s on every Karaoke session. Unfortunately, music doesn’t love me the way I love it. I never learned how to play any instrument, and my singing voice can pass as average. ButI still sing more than I pray; I still sing more than I read, eat, and maybe blink. Despite being a music lover, I would say thatI’m one of those who forget to appreciate what my fellow Filipinos have - talent, especially in the field of music. 

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Thinking about all the gigs I didn’t get to attend this year and my missing Rakrakan ticket which I still have to get a refund for…
