#fill your askbox



Send me an anymous (or not) summary of the fic you wish I would write. (maybe I will write a tidbit)


1: Golden mornings or peachy sunsets?

2: Sugar cones or waffle cones?

3: Do you wear scarves often? do you have a favorite?

4: How long do you lay in bed before you finally get up?

5: Is there a food you’ve never had but always wanted to try?

6: What does your umbrella look like?

7: Do you listen to ASMR?

8: Rain storms or a light drizzle?

9: What’s a little thing in life that you love? 

10: Favorite color aesthetic?

11: Wobbly lines or using a ruler?

12:  Bright colorful living room or neutral cozy living room?

13: Do you have any candles? what scents are they?

14: Have you ever rode a horse?

15: Do you have glasses? 

16: What’s a language you’d like to speak?

17: What’s your favorite season and favorite month in that season?

18: Do you have a favorite pair of socks?

19: Favorite Ghibli and/or disney movie

20: Disney, Dreamworks, or Pixar?

21: What snacks do you usually get at the theater?

22: What’s an underrated video game/ movie/ show you love and think it needs more recognition?

23: Would you fill your house with plants if you had a green thumb?

24; All plants are great but do you have a favorite?

25: Do you have a favorite type of art style? (eg: soft looking, no to little color, sketches, crisp and clean, minimalist, pixel art etc.)

26: What would you do if someone gave you flowers? 

27: Do you like nicknames? 

28: Do you still watch shows you watched when you were a kid? even from time to time?

29: Do you still like old memes? (tell the truth)

30: Favorite Halloween costume you dressed up as? (if you don’t celebrate halloween have you ever cosplayed or would you like to? who did you cosplay as?) 

31:  Are you a fashionable person? 

32: Do you like watching holiday movies? 

33:  Cookies or brownies?

34: Do you blow in the cold air just to see your breath?

35: Do you find the crickets chirping outside your window relaxing? 

36: Do you like cobblestone streets? 

37:  How often do you doodle? 

38: When was the last time you blew bubbles?

39: What’s your favorite random piece of decor in your house and room?

40: Do you bite your fingernails off or clip them more often?

41: Any birthmarks?

42: Thoughts on freckles?

43: First video game you ever played?

44: what type of bird do you hear most often outside your door?

45: Do you use gifs/ memes a lot when replying to people?

46: Thoughts on spring? 

47: Ideal temperature outside?

48: Cloudy, partly cloudy, or clear skies?

49: How often do you hear airplanes outside?

50: Do you enjoy windy days?


Faerie Asks

Pixie: Do you like to prank people?

Kelpie: Are you afraid of open water?

Satyr: Do you drink?

Redcap: Does blood make you queasy?

Púca: If you could shapeshift, would you?

Fear Dearg: Worst nightmare?

Selkie: Can you swim? If so, do you enjoy it?

Djinn: You have three wishes. What are they?

Undine: Do you sing in the shower?

Pillywiggins: What’s your favorite flower?

Oakmen: Are you anti-social?

Changeling: Do you feel like a fish out of water?

Glashtin: Do you like stormy weather?

Brownie: Any chores you actually enjoy?

Salamanders: Do you know any magic tricks?


I’ve never really noticed a set of questions on tumblr that are music based, so here’s to all my fellow music lovers out there.

1. Do you play an instrument?

2. Do you sing?

3. What instrument do you think sounds the best?

4. What instrument do you think sounds the worst?

5. Are you in any musical groups?

6. What’s your favorite song?

7. What’s your favorite band?

8. What’s your favorite album?

9. If you were able to go see any band perform live for free, what performance would you go to?

10. What concerts have you seen?

11. What was your favorite concert you’ve ever been to?

12. What’s your favorite musical genre?

13. What’s your least favorite musical genre?

14. What type of music do you listen to while you’re working or doing homework?

15. What song has the most meaning to you?

16. What’s your favorite piece for band?

17. What’s your favorite piece for orchestra?

18. What’s your favorite piece for chorus?

19. What songs do you like to listen to when you’re dancing?

20. What songs do you like to listen to when you’re driving?

21. What songs do you like to party to?

22. What songs do you listen to when you’re sad?

23. If you could learn to play one instrument, what would it be and why?

24. Have you ever written a song?

25. What movie soundtracks do you like?

26. Are you, or where you ever, in marching band?

27. Are you a fan of watching Drum Corps?

28. What’s your favorite Drum Corps?

29. Who’s your favorite musician?

30. Would you ever consider a career in music?

31. Do you study music (high school, college, grad school)?

32. What song lyrics are meaningful to you?

33. If you could meet one famous composer, who would it be?

34. If you could meet one famous musician, who would it be?

35. If one band got back together and went on tour again, what band would you want it to be?

36. What’s your favorite theme song?

37. Put your music on shuffle. What song came up first?

38. If you play an instrument or sing, what is one song you’d want to perform in your lifetime?

39. What is your favorite song that you’ve ever performed?

40. What was your favorite performance experience?

41. What’s song you’ll never get tired of listening to?

42. For the next week, you can only listen to five songs. What would you choose to listen to?

43. What’s the last song you listened to that gave you chills?

44. Do you have any funny music related stories?

45. Any question you want!


Offense ♡

  • Genji: Any body modifications you want but are too scared to get?
  • McCree: What’s your #1 guilty pleasure?
  • Pharah: How closely do you think one should follow the rules?
  • Reaper: Tell us about an embarrassing middle school/high school phase.
  • Soldier: 76: What do you think you’ll be like at 60?
  • Tracer: Super speed or super strength?
  • Sombra: Favorite way to tease/annoy your friends.

Defense ♡

  • Bastion: Which animal can you see becoming your lifelong partner?
  • Hanzo: What advice would you give to your younger self?
  • Junkrat: Name your favorite pastime/hobby.
  • Mei: Favorite flavor of ice cream.
  • Torbjörn: Name three first three things that pop into your head.
  • Widowmaker: Last instance that really tested your patience.

Tank ♡

  • Reinhardt: What is the thing you love most about yourself?
  • Zarya: How do you bounce back from difficult situations?
  • Roadhog: Bacon, sausage, or neither?
  • D.Va: Of which accomplishment are you most proud?
  • Winston: What is your dream job?

Support ♡

  • Lúcio: The last song you listened to.
  • Ana: One thing that keeps you motivated.
  • Mercy: Do you prefer to give or receive?
  • Zenyatta: One thing that brings you peace.
  • Symmetra: Describe your aesthetic.

25 Random Asks

1. Eye color?

2. Hair color?

3. Favorite color?

4. Your current relationship status

5. Your relationship with your parents

6. Favorite holiday?

7. Do you ever get “good morning” or “good night ” texts?

8. Do you live with your Mom and Dad?

9. Who did you last say “I love you” to?

10. Are you scared of spiders?

11. Do you like the snow?

12. Do you have any siblings?

13. Have you ever gone on a rollercoaster?

14. Favorite musical instrument?

15. Favorite dessert?

16. Do you swear a lot?

17. Last thing you ate?

18. Top 3 ice cream flavors?

19. Your favorite warm drink & favorite cold drink?

20. What do you want to dress up as for halloween?

21. A song that’s been stuck in your head:

22. When was the last time someone complimented you & what was it?

23. Did you wake up cranky?

24. Do you believe in aliens or life on other planets?

25. Are you a morning bird or a night owl?


1. You get to marry one fictional character – who is it?
2. If you didn’t have to worry about money or a job, where would you live in the world?
3. What was the last book that you got so absorbed in that you couldn’t put it down?
4. In your mind, what are your 3 biggest weaknesses?
5. You only get 3 words to describe yourself – what are they?
6. Which is better to listen to – your heart or your brain?
7. Do you consider yourself a spiritual person? How about religious?
8. What kind of extra-curricular activities did you do for fun in high school?
9. What’s your weirdest pet-peeve?
10. Which is better: asking for permission or asking for forgiveness?
11. What would you do if you inherited 1 million dollars tomorrow?
12. What’s the most embarrassing moment of your life so far?13. What fictional character do you identify with the most?
14. Are you a superstitious type of person? About what?
15. Where would you rather live – a big house in the suburbs or a tiny apartment in a great location in the city?
16. If you could have any job in the world, what would it be?
17. Ever have any trouble with the law or get arrested?
18.Which do you like more, a great book or a great movie?
19. Do you think it’s important to keep up with the news or do you not care?
20. What’s the nicest thing you’ve ever heard about yourself? What do you WANT to hear about yourself?
21. What do you want to have going on in your life in 5 years, or 10, or 15?
22.Which would you rather be, smart or happy, and why?
23. You can have one superpower – and only one. What is it, and why did you pick it?
24. What’s your biggest regret that you have in your life so far?
25. Which show on TV do you absolutely HAVE to watch live when it airs?



go on anon and tell me at least 3 facts you’ve learned about me since following me

interesting, let’s see.


characters pairings shows objects jokes memes games etc




Anonymous or not, it could be entertaining!
