#filling square


Another fill for @tonystarkbingo​, this time a ficlet.

Title:The Perfect Solution
Collaborator Name:  Fighting_for_Creativity
Card Number: 4004
Link: https://fightingforcreativity.tumblr.com/post/648012746348281856/the-perfect-solution
Square Filled: T4 KINK: Cuckholding
Ship/Main Pairing: Ironhusbands, Rhodey/Carol
Major Tags: AceTony, bisexual Rhodey, friends with benefits, Carol knows what she wants, caring boyfriend Rhodey
Summary:Tony never really enjoyed himself during the more intimate moments in bed. Naturally Rhodey had figured him out and after meeting Carol the perfect solution came to be.

Word count:  482

Fill below

Tony wondered, not for the first time, why they hadn’t done this earlier. This being Rhodey getting the sexual gratification he craved, and Tony being able to enjoy his boyfriend’s satisfaction without having to engage should he not feel like it.

Although Tony not always enjoyed sex itself, he loved to see his partner during it, which, before his honeybear had sat him down to talk it through, had been the silver lining for Tony whenever they had sex together. Rhodey was just so gorgeous and wonderful during and right after the act, that Tony adored every second he got to see that Rhodey. 

It wasn’t even a lack of love between them, or lack of trust. Tony just… wasn’t into the whole physical aspect of sexuality, at least not as often as Rhodey wanted it. 


Rhodey, being the man he was, had seen right through Tony, but had waited a while for Tony to come to him.

When the military man had realized his boyfriend wouldn’t speak about it himself, Rhodey, instead of taking the ‘obligatory’ physical affection time, had grabbed Tony’s wrist and had pulled him towards their couch. He’d loaded him with ice cream and had put on their favorite comfort movie before taking a blanket and wrapping them both in it. 

Then, to the background noise of the movie, Rhodey had made Tony talk.

Now, weeks later and after lots of frustration and quarrels between them, they finally found a good solution. 

Maybe it had been the chance meeting between Tony and Carol, or the fact that Rhodey and Carol were both in the air force, but the three of them easily hit it off and had been in constant contact ever since. 

One night Carol had called and asked for a place to stay because ‘her ex boyfriend was a douche’.

Long story short, one thing led to another and they had had a slightly awkward conversation about sexual preferences, after which the blond woman had looked at them thoughtfully before saying, “Well, guys, I know this sounds awkward, but, I already told you that I have a high sex drive and could do with someone I can trust to not want more. And as I see it, Tones isn’t comfortable with having it himself therefore leaving Rhodes kinda dry. So - and I suggest this because I trust you guys to handle this shit - how about we try me and Rhodes in a purely sexual thing and Tones can watch if he likes without having to worry that I try to steal his man, cuz that’s the last I want.”

After a short debate and a few days consideration, Tony had put his foot down. He’d listened to his gut feeling and had called Carol and invited her over. 

The night she spent was the best for the three of them since forever. And that was that.

Entry for TSB ( @tonystarkbingo)Title: The HeartbreakerCollaborator Name: Card Number: 4004Link: htt

Entry for TSB ( @tonystarkbingo)

Title: The Heartbreaker
Collaborator Name: 
Card Number: 4004
Link: https://fightingforcreativity.tumblr.com/post/647888959360450560/entry-for-tsb-tonystarkbingo-title-the

Square Filled: R2 Au: Hydra won
Ship/Main Pairing: undeteremined/gen
Rating: Teen and up
Major Tags: AU: Hydra won, Hydra Iron Man, Angst, Mark 17 (Heartbreaker)
Summary:  Red Skulls voice resonated from everywhere, “Oh might I have the honour of introducing you to Hydra’s newest and strongest agent? Say hello to ‘Heartbreaker’. I’m sure you’ll find the name befitting.” And just like that, the Avengers came face to face with the one man they had hoped to free, wearing an armour they’ve never seen before. “Tony?”, Rhodey’s voice was broken, just as his heart and he could bet everything he had, the other’s weren’t faring better. “Been a while, Rhodes. Nice of seeing you all again, sadly you can’t stay for the party~” replied Tony, voice cold and devoid of emotion.

Word Count: N/A

Notes to art:

Digital art done with: Sketchbook,
estimated work hours: 32h
used references: Iron Man Mark 17 Hot Toys, and  Iron Man Mark  XVII 1:2 scale replica (found on specfictionshop, and never have I been glader that I 1) do not have money and 2) do not have space as well as 3) this was out of stock)

Last year I had dreamt of Hydra Iron Man, and wanted to do a LONG fanfic to it. Then TSB Mark IV started and I got that square and was hyped. But as it often does, life got in the way and thus I decided, ‘screw it’ and arted instead.

It’s honestly a bit of a hurried job, but I want to try getting a bingo still for which I have a few chapters of a few fics to pretty up.

Anyway, thanks to @dreaminglypeachand@evaelisaaand@rebelmeg for encouraging me to not only start but also feel confident about this.


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