#final fantasy 15 imagine


Okay so forgive my spamming of posts but I really want to get back into writing and I kinda need your help, if you guys are still with me. If you’ve been on my page in the last few days you’ll probably have noticed my post explaining why I’ve been on hiatus. Nevertheless, I am back and very eager to start writing again and fulfilling requests. The next story I’m posting is What Could Have Been the Sequel to My Better Half(expect it by tomorrow night or Thursday). 

Anyway, I wanted to ask for a little help from you guys to help me bust through my writer’s block and hopefully help me branch out into new games to write for. I wanted to ask you guys for a few new prompts from new games or games that I haven’t written for yet but have been itching to try writing for. You guys are always great at giving me awesome ideas and prompts so I was hoping you could send a few my way including the games I’ll list below. That way I can branch out a bit and clear away my writer’s block for certain characters and grow as an author. If that makes sense. Feel free to Please Do reblog this post so hopefully more people can see it and request. The following games are ones that I’ve played recently or ones that I’ve wanted to try writing for…

Detroit: Become Human

Far Cry 5

God of War

Horizon: Zero Dawn

Final Fantasy XV


Persona 3, 4, & 5

Middle Earth: Shadow of War

Titanfall 2 

Dishonored (1 & 2)

The Witcher 

Mass Effect (Series)

Dragon Age (Series)

Watch Dogs 2

Mirror’s Edge (Series)

Fire Emblem (Fates or Awakening)

Kingdom Hearts (E3 Hype…)

Call of Duty 


*Hit me up if you think of another series that I haven’t written for

Consider picking/creating a prompt from these lists bellow or send in your own requests or headcannon requests. Or you know if you just want to gush about games I’d love to hear from you, my loves!

Symbolism Prompts

Dialogue Prompt Challenge

iPod Shuffle Challenge

The Way You Said “I Love You” Prompts
