#finn asturias


Okay but, given that Gill can’t permanently take Aura, I can’t help but imagine a few alternatives to canon that would’ve been less “iffy” than what we got.

  1. Jax is able-bodied but has a weak Aura. He blames his sister for this even though her Semblance doesn’t work that way. Jax’s birthmark is actually a tattoo he gave himself. Gill has the real birthmark and is also the one with the frail body.
  2. Jax is disabled, but Gill actually DID take her brother’s Aura and is consciously holding onto it to keep him reliant on her. Her “birthmark” is actually a tattoo. Jax actually tells off Theodore and Rumpole for calling him “lazy” when he was literally destroying his own body just to meet the bare minimum of what was expected of him. Gill was never interested in being a Huntress, only attending Shade until she could master control of her Semblance.
  3. Jax is disabled, Gill was branded by her father, and Finn is the true villain. He told Jax that Gill is the reason his Aura is weak, but also branded Gill and told her she was the TRUE heir to their family’s legacy. In the end, both of them are treated as victims of Finn’s abuse and HE is the one who gets a psychic lobotomy in the climax.

Pick your favorite of the three.
