#fiona nova


hello???? dream knows achievement hunter?????? or at least matt. but ACHIEVEMENT HUNTER???

did gavin record all his videos in bulk with his capture fucked up or did he just continuously forget to make sure its working

tbh ryan didnt kill michael directly but he did have some part in it . michael was about to go in the portal but he saw ryan building which made him wait for like 2.5 seconds because he was making sure everyone got in the portal. ryan spent that time making the WORST barrier in which pigmen could just walk right over.

but in the end its all their faults cause why would they hit a pigman before making sure they had a good escape plan

id like to mention how ryan somehow unintentionally killed both trevor and michael in ydyd, knocking the creeper closer to trevor and building the worst safety wall in history

no attachments no hate

whats your least favorite ah habits during games like ttt or murder? No general hate for any of the crew just little peeves. personally these are mine:

Gavin:Knowing who the traitor is but for some reason doesn’t shoot and instead just stares at them. He also has terrible attentive skills and cant remember anything 10 seconds prior.

Matt:Disappearing for half the round and expecting people to trust him immediately after he just shows up

Michael:selective hearing. “well i suspect _”. meanwhile Matt has just screamed for his life and called Jeremys name as his last word. also doesnt kill who he suspects

Ryan:Always sounds suspicious. Talks in a kind of “WeLl I dOnT kNoW wHaT hApPeNeD :o” sort of way. 

Jack:Terrible liar.Evenmore terrible traitor. Is so suspicious as a traitor and doesn’t take out his gun as an innocent. The Nation’s True Jester.

Jeremy:after he sees someone die he just blames the first person he sees without real evidence

Geoff: Seems like he’s in his own world. More suspicious and defensive than Jack and Ryan combined. Somehow is left alive last and has no clue what went through the entire round.

Trevor:May be the colorblindness but has terrible eyes. sees instances that definitely did NOT happen, which is why his correct to incorrect guessing ratio is like 1:5

Lindsay:Says nothing at the most crucial moments. Terrible liar. Doesn’t explain anything. Do Not Make Her A Swapper. Kills anyone regardless of her role.

Alfredo: Also disappears. Doesn’t speak fast enough when questioned or just doesn’t answer. Overall? Scariest bad guy- round ends near immediately. Kill on sight.

Fiona:She needs new glasses. Idk if its her mind playing tricks on her but she sees murders that also never happened. Condemns innocents and jester to death. Very stubborn- once she suspects someone she will not change her mind. “well its 100% _” it was not 100% that person

Millie: Nothing. Gmod murder mvp.

updates: added michael and jeremy peeves + more to fionas and lindsays 8/13/20

the best thing about watching ah is slowly watching new members transform into dangerous members of society. i remember when alfredo was the awkward “haha….” guy playing seige, and fiona was like “what the hell is going on” and out of the loop. now we have mr. magoo and a surreal poe

i think the most frustrating things about watching ah in modded minecraft is them

1.) refusing to use google (except jack)

2.) refusing to use books they have that explain the steps

3a.) asking chat for help

3b.) telling chat thats not right

3c.) “well thats a lot of work”

4.) missing saving Person A 20 minutes of grinding for a material that Person B had because Person B was partaking in points 1-3


i remember before alfredo and fiona joined they did like a bunch of videos with them before announcing they were gonna join the gang. is it a coincidence or am i big brained


Fiona Nova face study
