#fire force konro


Yo anybody else got a lotta beef with season 2 episode 17 of Fire Force because i do. I felt like the anime was handling trauma regarding children pretty well and sincerely especially after the Joker backstory stuff. Now im disappointed and disturbed and really up set. If they had framed it as a sad ending where nothing could be done that would’ve been different instead they framed it as good thing.

Nataku is a literal child leaving him in an abusive situation like that will make him worse. Kurono is a terrible person he is like gum stuck on the bottom of a shoe. He’s a literal abuser but yeah let the child incapable of consenting who also clearly has trauma and Stockholm syndrome stay with him. Why??!!! Oh because he “knows how to deal with him”. Most abusive parents would tell you they also know how to deal with their kids that they hate.

Its disgusting why even bother? And why show it as a good thing? When its clearly not. By framing Kurono as a hero when he’s not. Dont get me wrong I know the boy has ‘you can do it’ on repeat in his head, but having some weird man with a fetish for children telling to stay weak isn’t helping the issue because he’s still being forced to do things against his will and he’s still being experimented on. Nothing about his situation is different.

Why write the Jokers abuse store so well only to bomb on Nataku who is still a kid and could have been saved. Now we have the 8th working with Haijima the people mistreating kids like everything is fine now. They didn’t change their ways at all!

What the Hell Fire Force!!!!!

