#fire spinning



Naked Meteor Hammer Fire Dance!

This was one of the most magical fire performances of my life. I had just gotten back from experiencing a deeply meaningful, completely spur of the moment, wild, splashing, water ritual with this incredible flat, heavy stone, naked in a river, in the dark, at one of the most other-worldly river spots I have ever encountered. It was my first time being there and out of no where chaos called and suddenly I was naked, splashing and spinning in the darkness.

Something really important unlocked inside me or maybe more like…a seed was planted…during my dance with the rocks and water. This fire dance erupted out of me shortly after I returned from the water. Felt beautifully balanced and powerfully profound.

Existence is one hell of an adventure. I’m so happy to be a self aware part of it.

This was my second time ever spinning meteor hammer on fire and first time spinning it nude. Meteor hammer body wraps feel so amazing on my naked skin! I can’t wait to get back into it this year! :D

I can already taste it…this summer is going to be incredible.


hoopyinhawaii:Not hooping related I love this shot of Kiki, she’s illuminated by the poi by her hi


Not hooping related

I love this shot of Kiki, she’s illuminated by the poi by her hip. It’s such a simple shot, but I just love it. Zen Panda’s birthday party, Baldwin beach, Paia, Maui, Hawaii. Photo by Zen Panda

Looking forward to summer when I can spend more time doing circus skills :(

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Mark - rope dart

Mark - rope dart

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Harrison - fire poi

Harrison - fire poi

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Jess - fire poi

Jess - fire poi

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Naked Meteor Hammer Fire Dance!

This was one of the most magical fire performances of my life. I had just gotten back from experiencing a deeply meaningful, completely spur of the moment, wild, splashing, water ritual with this incredible flat, heavy stone, naked in a river, in the dark, at one of the most other-worldly river spots I have ever encountered. It was my first time being there and out of no where chaos called and suddenly I was naked, splashing and spinning in the darkness.

Something really important unlocked inside me or maybe more like…a seed was planted…during my dance with the rocks and water. This fire dance erupted out of me shortly after I returned from the water. Felt beautifully balanced and powerfully profound.

Existence is one hell of an adventure. I’m so happy to be a self aware part of it.

This was my second time ever spinning meteor hammer on fire and first time spinning it nude. Meteor hammer body wraps feel so amazing on my naked skin! I can’t wait to get back into it this year! :D

I can already taste it…this summer is going to be incredible.
