#first year tips


First year of college tips! part 1- academics

Hey y’all! So I know I’ve been terrible about posting this year (adjusting to college + miss rona = struggle), but I’ve honestly missed this blog and would like to start posting more often! Since I have officially finished my first year of college as a Sustainability Studies and Business Management double major, I wanted to share some tips on surviving your first year of college! This first part of the series will focus on academics!

-don’t go crazy with the course load: seriously, don’t be that kid who takes like 18 credits in their first semester. No matter what, adjusting to college life is weird, so give yourself enough time to explore, adjust, meet new people, and practice self-care!

-if you are not a morning person, do not sign up for morning classes (unless you have to!): Since I live off-campus, I have to wake up at 7:30 for my 9:30 classes and it is my personal hell (an 8:30 just might kill me). The early risers will try to convince you it’s not that bad, but schedule your classes at times when you will be the most present and engaged. 

-try out some interesting classes! This is the time when you will have some freedom to explore different areas of study, so don’t hesitate to try something new or take a weird class! Who knows, you might accidentally find something you love.

-it is absolutely ok to change your major! No matter how put together some people may seem, no one has their life completely figured out in their first year of college. You may find that the major you have excitedly been waiting to take classes for is absolute ass and that is ok! Talk to advisors and people in your classes to see what is right for you. I actually found my second major (sustainability studies) through a conversation with a random girl in one of my classes. 

-sit at the front of your class! if you are easily distracted, like me, it is the only way to stay focused. 

-show up to office hours prepared. no matter how confused you are, the second you walk into office hours you are going to forget every single question you had, so make sure to write them down and come with the materials you need so you don’t waste your time and your professor’s time.

-all-nighters are overhyped. I used to hear so many people boast about the all-nighters they pulled to study but I genuinely think it is a waste of time and energy. Unlike a high school schedule, your college schedule is going to leave you with so much free time. Try to finish all of your work in the time between classes so you don’t have to cram it all into one night. I did this, and honestly spent so much time sleeping during the fall semester (oops)

-join Facebook groups/group chats for your classes. this gives you a way to ask questions and get materials when you miss class.

-don’t study in the same place for hours. I’ve found that moving to a new location every now and gave me time to reset and helped me retain more information. The longer I stay in one place, the more distracted I get. 

-if you have the means invest in an iPad/tablet! I pooled all of my graduation money to buy an iPad and apple pencil and I am so happy with that decision. I got the good notes app and write notes and download readings (so I can highlight them) on there. Also, whenever I have to read novels for class I get them on the kindle app (which is often cheaper than buying a physical copy). This has helped me save a lot of paper and makes my backpack so much lighter.

lmk if I should do more of these / what you would like to see next! (thinking of doing a post on how to cope with remote learning and online classes next)
