

Is my Angelfish a male or a female?

Any help is appreciated

- D

Updates 1/7/2020

I’ve been so much busier than I thought I would have been and haven’t been back to my blog in a while. I’ll update you all on my babies!!

Update #1:

In my last post I was going to show you the new betta I got for the other half of my divided 10 gallon tank. Her name is Poppy and she is a GORGEOUS yellow galaxy koi betta that I got from Petco. I had been in this Petco a couple times for other things over the course of about 3 weeks, and she was there each time I went in. The last time I went in I couldn’t bear to leave her again!! So below is a picture of when I first got her compared to a picture of her today. Honestly, she really hasn’t changed much color wise which has surprised me, but she is definitely brighter!!

Update #2:

I have gotten an absolutely STUNNING super red bristlnose pleco for my 20 gallon aquarium. It was about an inch or inch and a half long when I first got it (still don’t know if it’s a male or a female) and now it’s about 3 and a half inches long!!

Update #3:

I have also gotten a second Bristlenose, this time a Black Longfin. It is gorgeous, but again I haven’t named it because it’s too young to determine if it is male or female. It is in my divided 10 gallon with my Bettas currently to be able to clean up the algae (which it is doing extremely well), and I switch what side it is on every few days. When it gets too large to continue doing this I am going to move it to my 20 gallon tank, but by that point I hope I have a 55 gallon tank to have my tropical community in.

Update #4:

My ultimate goal since I have started my fish rack is to have a 55 gallon tank on one shelf with three 20 gallons and a 10 gallon underneath.

The 55 gallon will be a tropical community tank, with Angelfish (yes, plural; I want at least one more) and possibly schools of Guppies, Neon Tetras, White Skirt Tetras, and Rummynose Tetras. I will also have my Bristlenose Plecos in here along with trying my hand at keeping German Blue Rams.

The 20 gallons will have all different fish. One I want to keep a pair of Betta mahachaiensis and Endlers Livebearers. Another is like to keep native fish, which at this point I would like Etheostoma spectabile, Etheostoma caeruleum, and Etheostoma flabellare (if you can’t tell, I LOVE darters). The last tank I haven’t fully decided on yet. The one idea I have so far is to have either one Banded Sculpin or multiple of the same size (so they don’t eat each other). But I could also use this as a grow out tank for fry from the Betta mahachaiensis.

The 10 gallon is my quarantine tank. I haven’t ever had one due to not having enough room, but I’m so grateful I am able to have one now.

I think that’s all the updates!! I’ll be sure to post more this year as my fish keeping journey continues.

- D

Help! What are these white fleshy lumps on appa?

FTS 9/25/19. Day 482.

I got the new iPhone 11 pro max today so I’m excited about the camera. More photos to come.

Starting a treatment for GHA tomorrow as I’ve been battling it waaay too long. Other than that, the tank is doing great.

Loving the elegance, a story. Pt. 2.
