#fkjflksddlk thats my boy

raspberry-flower:the-messenger-hawk: haven’t done one of these for my boy in too long [ID: screenshoraspberry-flower:the-messenger-hawk: haven’t done one of these for my boy in too long [ID: screenshoraspberry-flower:the-messenger-hawk: haven’t done one of these for my boy in too long [ID: screenshoraspberry-flower:the-messenger-hawk: haven’t done one of these for my boy in too long [ID: screenshoraspberry-flower:the-messenger-hawk: haven’t done one of these for my boy in too long [ID: screenshoraspberry-flower:the-messenger-hawk: haven’t done one of these for my boy in too long [ID: screenshoraspberry-flower:the-messenger-hawk: haven’t done one of these for my boy in too long [ID: screensho



haven’t done one of these for my boy in too long

[ID: screenshots of several tumblr posts overlaid on images of sokka. they read:

whats the zip code for the moon / wanna send her a letter
maybe this to-do list will fix me
talking about your feelings is SO important I won’t do it but u guys definitely should
‘It’s Real Easy,” Declares IT Guy About To Speak Incoherently For Next 30 Seconds
Fortune Teller reading my palm: It just says “yikes.”
defend my thesis? like with a sword?
my hobbies include knowing and being right

/end ID]

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