#fleamarket finds


03/16/22: Wednesday fleamarket finds! Found decent stuff today. First finds were a Battlefield 3 360 game for $2.00. Then for $6.00 it was a Sega six button controller and a Transformers toy. The second pic all came from one seller. For $24 dollars it was movies and more 360 games. I’m liking the Punisher movie, I’ve never seen that version before. I also got an empty ncaa case, as it looks good for googly eying it. I also got a Shrek drinking glass. Looks like a McDonald’s promo. I also got an early 2000s avex cd. Going to pop it in and see what jpop/dance music is in it. After this it was two Xbox 360 guitars, $4.00 each. One is missing its USB tip, but I think I got a spare somewhere. Next seller had a table full of games, mostly sports stuff and many scratched up. I went through them all and pulled out ten games that weren’t beat up like the rest. I got a nice mix. Guy wanted $5.00 each, but he dropped a dollar off each since I had 10 already. Fair enough. Lastly, I had blast from my childhood past. I found a lot of Rainbow Brite toys. Sprites are what they’re called once I did a Google search. I got those nine for $10. I remember having some of these when I was little. Some still have their tags. And it looks like some were a Taco Bell promo once.
