#flowershop tattoo au



My fav thing about the classic flowershop / tattoo parlor au is assigning the objectively wrong roles for no reason other than my own enjoyment. ID under cut!

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TATTOO AU PUNK SLUT ARTIST LUCIUSSS! city boyyyy I love youuuuu aaaaaa

ID under cut bc I describe every single tattoo oh no

[ID: 1. full body of modern lucius as a punk tattoo artist standing with thumbs in his pockets, grinning off to the side. He is wearing a blank tank top that says “if you seek Amy” under a long sleeve mesh top, studded leather collar with a gold charm imitating his canon kerchief, a studded belt, and long black smash mouth shorts with silver hoops down the sides. He has a leather cuff, black rubber bracelets, and several rings on his right hand and a modern prosthetic finger with glove on his left. He has medium sized gauges, two studs in his left cartilage, two hoops in his right, a stud in his left nostril, and two cheek piercings. His tattoos include: a Celtic knot ring and teardrop on his right ring finger, safe for work Sasuke on his right forearm, an Allen Ginsberg quote “The weight of the world is love. /Under the burden of solitude, /under the burden of dissatisfaction /the weight, the weight we carry /is love” on his inner right arm, a heart containing a hairy man’s ass in a jockstrap on his right shoulder, Roman numerals 13.3.14 (date of same sex marriage legalization in the UK) on his right collarbone, part of an arrow sticking up from his left pec surrounded by a few blood drops disappears under his shirt, the name Pete surrounded by hearts on his left shoulder, 3 black rings around his left bicep, and a pride flag down his inner left forearm, the colors dissolving together like light on water as it goes down his wrist. Text next to him points to his back and says “has an ‘abandon hope all ye who enter here’ tramp stamp.” His nails, including the top of his prosthetic, are painted black. 2a. Close up of Lucius with one hand dramatically poised on his cheek, holding up his left hand with the prosthetic to stare at it in a fakey “woe-is-me” way. He tearfully says, “I was an artist…until a client bit my finger off.” 2b. Zoom out, Lucius is making a cutesy cat grin and wiggles both hands in the air, saying, “jk I’m ambidextrous.” Fang, dressed in a floral short-sleeved collared shirt, pink polka dot headband, and green apron with the logo for Queen Anne’s flowershop, smiles at him indulgently and replies “that’s what’s up bro, love who you love!” A tattoo on his bicep says “I heart Tulips”. /end ID]

what’s the point of putting stede in a tattoo shop if I don’t also draw Lucius as a slutty punk tatt artist….my question is what kind of Naruto tattoo should he have

My fav thing about the classic flowershop / tattoo parlor au is assigning the objectively wrong roles for no reason other than my own enjoyment. ID under cut!

[ID: 1. Full body of a modern flowershop / tattoo parlor au with Stede and Ed. They are standing together in the wall space between their shops, meeting for the first time. Stede’s shop on the left says “tattoo” in large red letters on the window as well as a sign with their hours. Inside there is a small piercing display. Ed’s shop on the right has “flowers” in blue lettering on the window as well as the beginnings of a phone number with area code 246. Inside there is a tiered display of various types of flowers including sunflowers, roses, lilies, and carnations. Stede has three studs in his ear and snake bite hoops in his lip and is wearing a dark gray blouse with frilly sleeves, a purple waistcoat with silver detailings, a silver pocket square, a cravat pinned with a large purple jewel, and black trousers. He has several rings on each hand and black nails and is holding a cardboard box labeled “gauges.” He turns with pleasant surprise to look at Ed, smiles, and says “Oh!! Hello!” Ed, on a smoke break, just stares at him with pink-cheeked surprise in response. He has his long hair up in a bun and is wearing blue jeans and a pink tee shirt over a pale green apron with “Queen Anne’s” stitched on the breast. In his left hand is a lit cigarette, and the right is in his apron pocket fumbling with a red cloth. All his usual tattoos (save for the eagle on his chest and the marae on his wrist) are now floral designs, including a long leafy vine winding down his right arm, several pink carnations and falling petals, palm leaves on his left bicep, and a patch of sunflowers on his left shoulder and neck.

2. A new day, Stede now in a blue waistcoat with embroidered fleur-de-lis and light blue blouse and cravat and Ed with his hair half up in a bun, wearing a red tee shirt, apron, and brown gardening gloves. Stede is leaning toward him looking excited, declaring, “Lilac?? I would love to design that for you!” Ed, leaning back and looking flustered as he blushes and avoids eye contact, flexes his hands at his side and laughs nervously. “Uh, haha, really? Idk if my artist would like that.” To the side, we see a small drawing of a sullen Izzy with large gauges and a vee neck shirt, holding a buzzing tattoo pen. Text next to him in parentheses reads “current artist.”

3a. The same day; Ed sitting on a tattoo chair with his left arm extended while Stede, wearing nitrile gloves, doodles a lilac branch onto the blank spot on his forearm with a tattoo pen. Ed, staring at Stede shyly but warmly from the corner of his eye, offers a small smile and says, “You’re always so covered up, I’ve never even seen any of your tattoos.” Stede, smiling absently as he works on Ed’s tattoo, responds, “Oh! I don’t have any.”

3b. Ed whips his head toward Stede in shock, forgetting his shy attempt at flirting in favor of gaping openly at him. Stede, none the wiser, continues to draw and hum to himself.

3c. Close up of Ed’s face from the previous panel zoomed in, hearts popping up in his eyes and cheeks going a dark red. Text next to him reads “you are so fucking fascinating”

/end ID]
