
our gentle sin by flybluejayIs this really what he wanted to do: catch feelings for a woman who coulour gentle sin by flybluejayIs this really what he wanted to do: catch feelings for a woman who coulour gentle sin by flybluejayIs this really what he wanted to do: catch feelings for a woman who coulour gentle sin by flybluejayIs this really what he wanted to do: catch feelings for a woman who coulour gentle sin by flybluejayIs this really what he wanted to do: catch feelings for a woman who coulour gentle sin by flybluejayIs this really what he wanted to do: catch feelings for a woman who coulour gentle sin by flybluejayIs this really what he wanted to do: catch feelings for a woman who coul

our gentle sin by flybluejay

Is this really what he wanted to do: catch feelings for a woman who could certainly have her pick of the hundreds of men shuffling in and out of the club every week? A woman at least ten years younger than him, who is so much more beautiful than he is handsome?

He feels like he is rushing down a river at a speed he never imagined he’d go. Not in a million years did Clyde ever picture himself falling for Miss Kira, the stripper.

Clyde Logan’s luck changes in all sorts of ways when he meets Miss Kira, a stripper at the club one town over.

  • 44,688 words / 143 pages
  • standard, flatback

The author had a lot of input in the creation of this book, from the font choices to every element on the cover.

This is also the first Clyde Logan (Logan Lucky)/Rey (Star Wars) fic I read and bound.

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