#fnaf nsfw


Have a little time, don’t you? Well, here’s another nsfw but this is the reader with Montgomery and Freddy.

ATTENTION: Threesomes, anal sex, double penetration, oral sex.

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G.Freddy × Female! Reader × Montgomery gator

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When you were called to act as day guard at the pizza plex, it never even crossed your mind that you might have the time to be able to talk to the big stars of the show, to be honest, since the plex opened you had fallen in love with the band, especially for Freddy and Monty and in his mind the greatest accomplishment of being able to get close to them was at least being able to work in the same environment. They didn’t always introduce themselves, which gave you an opportunity to interact with the class.

After completing four months of work, getting his salary properly and being an excellent security guard resolving customer complaints about Dave, seriously, what a boring guy, I don’t even know why they hired him at the plex, anyway! Continuing from where we left off, after four months there was an incident with Freddy, he passed out before the show even started and because of that they had to take him to the infirmary which you couldn’t have done alone, Montgomery also helped her. A nurse took care of him and left him lying on a stretcher to rest a little, in the meantime you could interact with one of your favorite stars even if the situation is not the best.

The day after the incident, Freddy thanked him for taking care of everything after he kind of “ruined” the show. Since then you, Freddy and Monty have started interacting more frequently: meeting at lunchtime, backstage and outside the establishment. Getting close to them also made you approach the girls and automatically your dream was fulfilled but also with an impasse, you had fallen in love.

Freddy was a den bear, he was polite and very considerate, very kind to children and always tries to see good things around him; he has a strong, tall physique with those blue eyes that look like jewels glued to his face. Of course he also had his flaws and problems, he was anxious and sometimes had crises that didn’t go through the rest of the day, you were kind to him in one of those crises and helped him by sending him to therapy, even though Freddy wasn’t very confident in this therapy thing, he thanked her for the help even though he didn’t know how to thank him properly.

Montgomery on the other hand, an alligator den, kind of rude and sarcastic when he wants to but very attentive most of the time, although his character is kind of rude and mean, he is very kind and affectionate with children; Tall and strong physique, too strong for a golf player, a messy mohawk and eyes as red as rubies, Monty was also very angry, something that was already being worked on by Fazbear Entertainment itself. He also had an accent that caught her attention, it seemed to be Latino. Although he had an explosive and somewhat mean personality, he treated you very well even though he hit on you with lines so bad they were good (although he had some that were actually very good) and horrible jokes.

Your heart had split on Freddy and Monty, all your life you’d thought you would love only one person, not two. You couldn’t choose between one and the other, you were afraid the friendship would end until one day, Freddy and Monty called you to Monty’s dressing room, they had said they had something to tell you. This was after their performance, you went to Monty’s dressing room with your heart in your hand, when you got there, the door opened to reveal Freddy sitting in one of the armchairs and Monty in another with a padded bench in front of them. You walked up to them and sat down, they stared at you as they signaled to each other and exchanged glances until you asked:

“So…what’s up, guys? Is there a problem?”

After you asked, Freddy cleared his throat and lowered his ears as if apprehensive, slowly he said in response:

“(Y/N), me and Monty…after all these months we-”

“We wanted to know…actually, say something…” Monty interrupted Freddy.

“Please say, you’re making me worried.” You said feeling anxious about whatever they were trying to tell you.

“We love you!” They said in unison.

Did it take you by surprise, was the feeling mutual? Because the chance of the person you like declaring himself to you is almost nil, now… the two people you loved, heavens, it felt like a dream.

“We were afraid to tell you and you’d be uncomfortable with it, not that you’re not, I guess…” Freddy said trying to look away, the nervousness in his voice was quite evident.

“I’m not… I’m actually relieved. In the last few months I’ve realized my feelings for you, but I thought it was very stupid of me to like two people at the same time, I know there are polyamorous couples that prove that this works somehow, but…I was so afraid to say that and end our friendship.”

“An, so you’ve been fantasizing about us these past few months, haven’t you? What the hell.” Monty said slyly as he wagged the end of his tail.

“Monty!” Freddy flicked his friend on the head.

“Hey!” Monty grumbled.

“Well, what does superstar tell us? Would you be our girlfriend?” Freddy and Monty both gave him a sincere smile, though still unnerved by his response.

Much to their joy and yours too, you said yes and following your heart at that moment was definitely the best decision you ever made. They were excellent boyfriends, Freddy was more fatherly and homely, and a very sweet romantic, you liked spending time with him: every now and then you baked a cookie or a cake, also played something like “Five night’s at Scott: matrix” and that was really fun, the game had a lot of bugs, but since it was the game that Freddy played since he was a teddy bear, you respected the fact that he loved this game so much.

With Monty it was very different, he got bored very easily at home when he couldn’t find anything good to watch or when he didn’t have the patience to play something, he could be a star but that didn’t mean he couldn’t admire other stars: Montgomery often he would take you to shows together with Freddy, and when there was no show around, he would go to any club that played good music, he didn’t know how to cook different from Freddy, so if you felt like eating some fast food as long as it wasn’t the McDonald’s, he’ll pay you and him and Freddy… Freddy has his own money, let him pay.

Sharing a bed with them was a mix between “warm, fluffy and nice” and “Please eat me here and now”, Freddy would usually bury his face in your neck and hug your waist to sleep, and Monty would wrap his tail around your leg. and put her head under his chin, it was like a sandwich of male dens of a completely different animal classification and a female homo sapiens.

Their relationship was as long-lasting as possible, until her birthday came around and they wanted to give her a special gift. It had been a while since the three of you had talked about sex and how it worked, you had never done it since you never had the ideal guy or girl to do it, but oh my, the idea of ​​doing it with these two made you so nervous. What happened was the following, you got home normally until bedtime, in bed you felt Freddy smell your neck and leave very subtle kisses on it.

Monty opted to spread his legs using his tail and massage the lower thigh that was still covered in gray pants. You turned his face so Freddy could kiss you and took your right hand to caress Freddy’s ears and with your left hand to caress Monty’s mohawk. Freddy ran his tongue over his lower lip and explored the inside of his mouth and then pulled away leaving a small trail of saliva. His stomach tingled with the stimulation he was receiving and he felt a shiver down his spine as he felt his pants being pulled down by Monty. His fingers trailed from your entrance to your clit, he started with circular motions, you felt your heart speed up at their touch and automatically lifted your hips so Monty could do an even better job.

Send Freddy kissed you and played with your tits, Montgomery tasted you piece by piece, he licked your point up and down and every now and then he penetrated you with his tongue. When he felt that you were already close to his apex, he would stop sucking you and kissing your thighs just to tease you. Now it was Freddy’s turn to taste you a little and Monty’s turn to be a little kinder to you.

As they switched places, it was quite noticeable the erections covered by the fabric of the pants, which hurt you, seemed to be tight and bothering them. You thought Freddy’s gentle nature was applied in bed, but I’m sorry to inform you that his teasing is worse than Monty’s, he penetrated you with two fingers and I remembered as I moved my arm to encourage you, but whenever I was nearby, he would stop and slap his leg, that bastard cuddly bear.

As for Monty, he kissed her in a way that teased her a lot more than Freddy, although he didn’t seem interested in that. You saw him touch his erection through his pants and a few moans escape during the kiss, you thought about what to do already imagining the most obvious thing possible even without having tried it on her.

“Monty, do you…want me to help you down there?” You whispered to him.

Of course this pervert wouldn’t refuse, he gave him a few more kissing sessions and then got on his knees, next to his face, he was still inside the alligator’s pants but I could already see the pre-cum running. You massaged him while still covered and gave him a light squeeze so you wouldn’t hurt him. Monty got impatient and took off his pants getting completely naked, you came face to face with his cock and your first action was to lick the glans and then put it in your mouth, Monty seemed to be enjoying your work on his cock. He pushed his hips back and forth slightly so he could gain more friction.

Freddy seeing that, stopped what he was doing and went to his face, he gave you a kiss on the cheek and in an instant you understood what he wanted. You got up and took off your shirt while Feddy took off his pants. You got off the bed and knelt on the carpet on the floor, Monty and Freddy got up and stood in front of you, you held their penis, and started massaging them, first you sucked Freddy’s glans, licking them in motion circles and then going to Monty, you would put as much as you could into your mouth and suck it as carefully as you could.

“Wait (Y/N), we don’t want to break up right now…” Freddy said between groans.

“Yes, we want to break up with you.” Monty pushed you away.

Freddy went to the bedside table drawer and pulled out two packages of species-specific condoms and a bottle of lube. Monty and Freddy put on the condom and walked over to you, Monty held you by supporting your legs in his arms leaving you wide open. Freddy rubbed the lube on her backside and inserted a finger to facilitate the act, he kissed behind her ear and her neck leaving some hickey marks. When he was done, Monty had him support her legs while he held her by the ass. Monty positioned himself in his pussy and without any warning he penetrated hard, Freddy on the other hand, went slowly and carefully. You could both almost lean inside you, that position made it easy for you to enjoy the sensation and made you moan loud as fuck, you just hope the neighbors don’t hear your filth.

It was getting difficult for them to penetrate you while they were holding you and that’s why they chose to stay in bed. Monty lay on his back and you sat on his hips low enough for him to penetrate you, Freddy got on top and as usual going carefully. The bed started to creak and rock violently as you started to move in it. You felt Freddy’s fingers snake up to your point and massage it back and forth, it was all driving you crazy, you felt breathless and your heart was racing, with sweat pouring down your legs. With your nerves hanging on a thread, your legs trembling to signal that you were close, the heat rising throughout your pussy replaced your conscious mind with an electrifying surge of pleasure, your orgasm hit you and the throbbing of Freddy and Monty’s cocks while also ejaculating only made everything even more delicious.

Freddy came out of you and threw the used condom in the trash, he lay down with his arms open and you got off Monty and lay in Freddy’s arms. Monty threw the used condom in the trash and then lay down pulling her close to him too.

“Did you like your birthday present?” Monty asked with that stupid grin on his face.

“You’re kidding right? I loved it, I know you guys are the best at gifts, but wow…that first time was…wow…” You laughed tiredly.

“We’re glad you liked it, superstar. Now are we going to sleep?” Freddy said and then kissed her cheek. Monty did the same on the other side and the three of them fell asleep.

You can bet the next morning you woke up sore.
