#follower appreciation post


I never thought this little passion project of mine would reach a 100-follower mark. I truly cannot believe that less than a month after the previous celebratory post, it passed the 200 follower mark. Thank you so much, I really appreciate your interest!

I wanted to use this opportunity to echo what is stated in the header of this blog - I am very, very open to asks and suggestions. If there’s a particular topic of interest that is not represented in the library, or just a meta question you have been curious about - I would LOVE to see if I can be of help! There are oodles of saved posts that I have not had the opportunity to curate yet, and the order in which they find their place in the library is largely arbitrary and very flexible.

I have also been considering taking an occasional diversion from the usual meta, and making a post of favorite reply quotes. Sometimes in reading the hundreds of comments on meta threads I run into replies or tags that may not be strictly meta, but are so funny or smartly worded or otherwise incredibly awesome. Also sometimes meta writers come up with sentences so striking that I have to drop what I’m doing and take a pause until the feels pass. I try to save these quotes - I feel like they deserve a special mention too. Of course, this is entirely subjective, but… would that be cool?
