#food cheer and song

This is the kind of thing I imagine Bilbo having made and haging over the mantle piece once he is baThis is the kind of thing I imagine Bilbo having made and haging over the mantle piece once he is ba

This is the kind of thing I imagine Bilbo having made and haging over the mantle piece once he is back home. (I’m not good with images, so forgive my total lack of knowledge and skill).

I made a modern version of itfor my mantle piece.

Thorin’s parting words are probably my favourite quote of all The Hobbit. I try to live by these words and value food, cheer and song above, not only heaps of gold, but pretty much all else. I believe, this way to be contributing to a merrier world.

(This is my entry for “the aftermath” bingo card prompt.)

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