#food offering

 Δωδεκάτη/ Δευτέρα Μεσοῦντος/ Δυοκαιδεκάτη, XII day From today’s sunset: twelfth day of Boedro

Δωδεκάτη/ Δευτέρα Μεσοῦντος/ Δυοκαιδεκάτη, XII day
From today’s sunset: twelfth day of Boedromion.
“Also the eleventh and twelfth are both excellent, alike for shearing sheep and for reaping the kindly fruits..”
“Of the numbers after the decade, the eleventh refers to the first element of the monad. Thus, (Hesiod) has praised this one too, as it has analogies with that (the monad), inviting to the shearing of the sheeps and to the reaping of the fruits of the earth…Both aim to take care of the body, the one to the food, the other to protection.” Schol. Erga, 774-776
“The number twelve was dedicated by the ancients to the [mundane] Gods, and to the genera that are always suspended from them.” (Proklos, in Tim. III, p. 106)

(Girl with food offering - The girl carries a tray laden with cakes and fruit in the fold of her chiton. From Corinth, about 450 BCE. Now in the Boston Museum…)

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