
Reblog if this is your favourite duo 

Reblog if this is your favourite duo 

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Our friends at @fiveultimate asked us to #ExplainFootballToAnUltimatePlayer, so here’s our newest co

Our friends at @fiveultimate asked us to #ExplainFootballToAnUltimatePlayer, so here’s our newest comic, as seen at Skyd Magazine!

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University of Georgia(Edward Clark. 1947)

University of Georgia

(Edward Clark. 1947)

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Antonio Nocerino of MLS Orlando City

Antonio Nocerino of MLS Orlando City

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Kaka of Orlando City

Kaka of Orlando City

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Brek Shea of MLS Orlando City

Brek Shea of MLS Orlando City

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Brek Shea of Orlando City

Brek Shea of Orlando City

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Alex Morgan of Orlando Prideby DIZEVEZ

Alex Morgan of Orlando Pride


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