#for now a lot of pain


Flower Boy 4- Number 326

Update- this series is now called Flower Boy. (We’ll figure out why later, I promise it’ll make sense.) Direct sequel to these pieces here. 1.2.3.

CW: manhandling, restraints, branding, gagged.

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“Position one- now.” 

The order was barked before Jeremy had time to realize the man had entered his room. No- not his room- his cell. He was curled up on the cot- his back to the door and he hadn’t heard the man enter. The lights had shut off at some point, and he assumed that meant it was time for sleep. 

His night had been full of restlessness- pain- and nightmares. Tossing and turning on the uncomfortable cot- shaking- trying to pull himself away from this hell.

But as the lights clicked on brightly and the man barked the order at him- Jeremy was painfully reminded of his situation.

He pulled himself to sitting- rubbing the exhaustion from his eyes.

What had the man asked?

“I- I’m sorry- what?”

A backhand to the side of his face was the answer. He grumbled as he slammed back against the wall.

“Position one.”

His mind raced to the day prior- the four positions. His roommate was sitting up on his cot- as if awaiting his orders- perfectly still- head down on his chest.

Was that one on his knees, or standing?

He had been running through the positions in his mind. One and two were on knees- three and four were standing up.

The man was growing impatient so Jeremy quickly pulled himself to the floor- settling on his knees on the cold ground. He glanced at his wrists- the leather cuffs still locked tightly in place- and held them out- tilting his head towards the ground. 

“Ah, you remembered.”

Jeremy didn’t have time to pull away as his wrists were grabbed and the cuffs locked together. The man pulled them away from where the boy wanted to keep them close and chained them to a ring in the floor.

“On your stomach.” 

Jeremy glanced around- trying to get some hint of what was going to happen.

“What are- what are you going to do?”

“Now.” The man demanded- ignoring the question.

Jeremy slowly followed the pull of his arms- until he lay flat on his stomach on the floor. He felt hands along his body- stretching his arms tight above his head. Something wound around his ankles- tying them to the floor as well. Panic started racing in the boy’s chest as he tried to move. 

“What’s going on? Please- I-”

He gasped as his hair was yanked backwards- his mouth gaping open.

Something cold and hard was shoved into his mouth- and then tied around the back of his head. 

“I suggest you bite down on that.”

The boy grumbled behind the rubber bit in his mouth- squirming and wiggling about frantically. His eyes met the older man’s, curled up on the other cot. He turned away towards the wall- avoiding the boy’s gaze.

“Let’s see- ah, number 326.” The man picked up an object just outside of the boy’s view. “Hold still.” 

Jeremy could feel the terror coursing through him- chills running down his spine. His stomach churned and he flinched as he felt a hand on the back of his neck- pulling the sleeve of his tanktop to the side. 

And then there was pain- dull at first- and then blinding- white hot, coursing into the back of his shoulder. 

Jeremy bit down on the gag immediately- his teeth grinding into the rubber. But it grew too much to bear and he soon found himself screaming. As soon as the object was pulled away it clattered to the floor in front of him. Through his tears and his blurry vision from the pain he could barely make out the number ‘three’, welded onto the end of a metal rod. It was glowing ever so slightly- and Jeremy wanted to puke. 

He desperately tried to scramble away- his wrists tugging at the chains- his body thrashing about. 

The number three- ‘326’ the man had said. The other man had been called number twelve… they were- they were brandinghim. 

Jeremy was shrieking in terror long before the second number pressed white-hot into his skin. 

“Hold still, dammit.” The man grumbled. 

Jeremy thrashed about- crying and screaming. The Handler pressed the metal rod further into his back- putting more weight into it to steady the boy- and then climbed onto his back- straddling the boy’s hips. He pressed one hand to the back of his neck, the other holding the branding iron. 

When he pulled it away the boy choked back a strangled sob. The skin was already red and blistering- the numbers showing stark against the rest of the skin. 

“One more.” The man stated.

Jeremy shook his head- tears streaming into the floor as he was held in place. When the final number lit up into his skin it was too much for him to even scream. His mouth hung open around the bit in silence- his throat tensing up and his eyes wide. 

Finally the breath shot its way through with a strangled whine. Jeremy’s whole body shuddered and spasms as the pain tore through him. 

After a few agonizing moments the man pulled away and climbed off of the boy. 

The whole process had taken less than two minutes. But for Jeremy- those were the most painful two minutes of his life- so far.

The handler unchained his wrists and ankles and tossed a towel to prisoner twelve on his cot.

“Clean him up for me, will you?”

And he left the boy shaking on the floor. 

Tag List: @imagination1reality0@morning-star-whump@deltaxxk (lemme know if you wanna be added/removed) Also- this is an open invitation for anyone who has branding pieces, or writes anything with it, lemme know/tag me- it’s by far one of my favorite tropes.
