#for six dollars


My first cookbook!

I come from a large family and by the time I was 5, I was standing on a chair by the sink and helping with the dishes. At first, like all kids, I loved the splashing around part, but I came to dislike the scrubbing, especially since my brothers were never expected to lend a hand.

A few years went by and I added cooking to my tasks. I don’t remember that I ever minded this kitchen chore, I just followed Mother’s instructions as she called them out to me as she ironed.

Then when I was about 9, I was given this cookbook. I was delighted and couldn’t wait to get started on the recipes. Unfortunately, my experience of family meal preparation had made me a little more advanced in cookery than several of these recipes called for.

As examples: The Vanilla Pudding recipe calls for milk and a package of instant vanilla pudding.

The Hot Dog recipe called for a package of “frankfurters” and 8 coney buns.

But there were some more advanced recipes too. “Magic white-sauce suppers” contained instructions for making a white sauce from scratch and then discussed how to use it to make creamed eggs, potato boats and creamed ham or chicken.

A recipe for jelly muffins was included in the Breads and Sandwiches sections.

One of my grandsons went with me to the grocery yesterday morning (fully masked) to purchase grape jelly, which is the only jelly he and his brother would consider eating.

PS My jelly centering skills need some work!
