#for the people

Gerrymandering in America is so bad, they made an entire font out of it.This font is hard to deciphe

Gerrymandering in America is so bad, they made an entire font out of it.
This font is hard to decipher and makes no sense — just like most congressional districts —> uglygerry.com.

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Surplus campaign funds should not be used for personal benefit or to bolster lobbying careers. The Let It Go Act would force political campaigns to let go of leftover campaign funds. #ForThePeople

According to OpenSecrets, 42 Members of Congress who resigned or retired before the 2018 midterm elections had a combined outstanding balance of $50 million in campaign funds. It’s not their money, they should Let It Go!

I introduced the Let It Go Act to ensure that the hard-earned dollars Americans donate to campaigns every cycle are not being abused by a candidate long after their campaign is over. This bill will help restore trust that these funds are being used responsibly and not for personal gain.

Corruption always bothered me anyway, read about my bill here: https://takano.house.gov/newsroom/press-releases/rep-takano-introduces-let-it-go-act-to-stop-personal-use-of-campaign-funds-after-the-campaign-ends

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Variety — Matthew Brookes (2021)

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