#for various reasons the archosaur is extremely generic lol


Ideally these two spreads would be part of a much longer comic narrative where the pterosaur spirals into anxiety after the bird informs it that it has nothing to worry about, for the pterosaur is already dead.

Also, the bone diagrams are not peer-reviewed! Nothing I create is peer-reviewed.  Always do your own research. Thank you.

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Page 1
Panel 1: Depicts a dinosaur evolving into a bird on the left, and into a pterosaur on the right.

Narration: This is incorrect!

Panel 2: Depicts a dinosaur first evolving into a pterosaur, then evolving into a bird.

Narration: This is also incorrect!

Panel 3: Depicts a diagram on the left and a small scene on the right. The diagram shows an archosaur evolving into a dinosaur, then a bird. The archosaur evolves into a pterosaur. The scene depicts the anxious pterosaur on a small beach.

Archosaur: (waving at dinosaur) hello

Dinosaur: (waving at archosaur) hey

Bird: (fluffing up happily) much better

Pterosaur: (panicking) b…but… then why am I fuzzy and batlike

Page 2
Panel 1: Depicts a bird, a pterosaur, and a bat flying in front of the goshdarned sun itself.

Narration: It’s the power of…Convergent evolution! Sometimes similar attributes arise in species that aren’t descended from one another.

Panel 3: Depicts a labeled cheese with mold on it, a ripe peach, and a wad of dryer lint.

Narration: Other fuzzy things that aren’t descended from pterosaurs.

Page 3
A full-bleed, single panel page covered by a sky background. Floating in the clouds are skeletal diagrams of a bird and a pterosaur. The actual bird and pterosaur flutter nearby to provide commentary.

Narration: But how do we know this is a case of convergent evolution?

Bird: the clues are in the bones

Narration: Compare these two skeletons. What observations can you make about them?

Pterosaur: …besides the grim inevitability of death

Page 4
This page has five panels floating on a sky background.

Panel 1: Depicts an x-ray of the pterosaur’s wing.

Narration: Since both animals fly, what do you notice about their wing structure?

Panel 2: Depicts an x-ray of the bird’s wing. No text.

Panel 3: Depicts an x-ray of the pterosaur’s pelvis.

Narration: We can also look at other parts for clues, such as their hip bones!

Panel 4: Depicts an x-ray of the bird’s pelvis. The pterosaur and the bird are perched on this panel.

Bird: relax

Bird: everyone has bones inside

Pterosaur: no its morbid!!!

Narration: (Depicted next to a small pencil on paper) Try drawing or tracing the bones to see their differences!

The final two image graphics in this post are the pages depicted earlier, but put together in full-spread form so that readers can envision how it would look in a comic book. [end id]
